Chapter 53: The Affect of Death

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It was sudden and quick as I died. I wasnt sure how it happened, but I know it did. I know that the last thing i saw was a crocodile mixed hybrid stabbing me with his and Halcyon. That was how it happened, after the bridge exploded. He had plunged his razor sharp claws through both of us. Wait. Halcyon.

Suddenly my mind snapped to her and forgot all about me. I hoped she was okay, but I had a terrible gut wrenching feeling she wasnt. I hated this as I sat here in the black. Just a feeling of nothingness, yet a slowly slipping feeling. As if I was being dragged down, under to somewhere. I couldn't feel my body.

Then there was a small jerk. A warmth spread through my body, and it felt as if I was being pulled up. Past everything that was nothing and into the world once again. Being resurrected. That's what I'm assuming this felt like, and what I'm assuming this was.

Suddenly, it became light again, or as light as it could be on Nexanveer, and I heard noises. And then they became sharper and more clear. I began to make out shapes and voices. Kai, Memphis, Zeke, Rayven. They were calling me and shaking me. Soon they came into view and I groaned loudly, feeling pain course through my body. The pain spread to My stomach and chest, which I could feel were wet, as well as my hands. As a realization hit me, I felt a light to medium weight in my arms as well, and looked down.

I quickly sat up as much as I could, my arms tightening. Halcyon lie in my arms, a weak smile on her face as she faded away. "...I- I saved you R-Rhent.. I did a great..job..." She said, as she slowly slipped put of my arms.

I jumped up as much as I could, falling down and landed next to her on my knees, cradling her head in my arms. "No! Halcyon, Please!" I screamed as the light in her eyes dimmed.

I looked down and grabbed her hand that was on my stomach, my stomach already healing shut with my chest as well. I squeezed her hand and pressed my head against hers as I cried, feeling her shallow breathing. "I'm so sorry Halcyon. Im sorry. Please." I whispered as she slowly smiled weakly.

I turned around and faced everyone else, my head spinning in fear and my heart wrenching in anguish. I looked over and found the person I was looking for before calling him. "Cyrus." I said, pulling him over. "Come here, now. Please.." I cried through my tears.
He ran over and dropped, fell down on his knees and cried holding her body as her head slumped against his shoulder. He cradled her head and cried, tears running down his face.

"Halcyon, baby.....Goodbye Love.. I love you...I'm so sorry.." He said, choking out through tears as he cradled her, pressing a kiss to her lips. He pressed his head against hers, kissing her slowly one last time.

She kissed him and, with a weak smile, she let go of his head. "I love you too...Go on, love...goodbye Cyrus.." She whispered as she took her last breath in his arms, slowly falling away.

He sat there with her in his arms, cradling her for a minute before. Grabbing a necklace she always wore and putting it on. It was a small torch with vines on it, representing both of them. He pressed a small kiss to her forehead one last time before wrapping her body in spare blankets he had, and lighting it on fire, kneeling before her, small traitorous tears running down his cheeks.

I watched as the flames licked the metal platform we were on, and crawled to the edge of the broken bridge. The smoke rolled up the side of the large black and grey metal and glass building behind us and made it's way to the top, almost blending in with the red, black, and grey clouds above us. Cyrus then got up, moving her body to the side of the platform, away from everything else and out of view, then He covered her body with some metal as a makeshift grave.

As he stood up and turned around, the light in his pure golden orbs of eyes died out, and went back to normal yellow pupils. His usually combed to the side hair was a mess and the dragons head tattoo on his neck was visibly flexing, as if he was trying not to cry again.

I walked over to him and looked down, wiping my own tear away as well. "Cyrus...I'm so sorry. I don't know what to say. I wish she would have used her gift to save herself, I'm ju-"

"Stop. Rhent, please. Shes gone, and I have to accept that, but she saved you because she believed in you and knew that you had to lead us off." He said, stopping me from talking.
"If we sit here or you die, then her death would have been for nothing. Let's just please go, and keep moving. Please." He said as he pushed past me.

I nodded and turned around and walked foward behind him, Memphis holding me close and as tight as she can, her arms wrapped around my hips, resting her head on my shoulder as we watched Cyrus go to the door to the large building and open it, lighting the way. I knew this would carry on greatly and affect him for the rest of our journey, I just hoped hed be okay and that we'd all be able to get out alive.

As he walked through the door we all followed, still a bit shaken by the memory of Halcyons death. But we didnt get to grieve long as murder and evil apparently waits for no one, and shows no mercy or patience.

As we walked through what seemed like a narrow hallway, we approached a set of stairs that led to a door, giving us no other option, and no other way up. But the minute I had opened the door, we were all met with another room full of NecroHybrids. And this time, they didnt wait.

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