Chapter 56: Remember Us When Youre Gone

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The minute the three Hybrids burst through the door, Cyrus's eyes went pure gold and he lit himself on fire, flying up, and then crashing down between them all, making a burning hot hole in the metal roof where he was. Yet he flew up through the hole of burning hot metal and started attacking them one by one.
He snapped around and grabbed one of them by the neck, pulling them down and kneeling them in the stomach so hard, you heard their ribs crack and you saw them spit out blood.
He then threw them off of the building, their body flaming in the wind as they went.

As he turned around, one of the Hybrids he didnt kill began punching him in the face and kicked his head while he was down, stomping on his stomach.
Atlas saw this and ran foward with Zeke, taking on the last two.

Atlas flew and punched the one beating Cyrus hard in the face, knocking him down and crouching over Cyrus, making a force field around them.
Zeke has grown claws, fangs, and bulging muscles, punching the other one, before kicking him in the stomach, picking him up, and grabbing his neck, running with him and smashing his head into the small metal building for the door on the roof, denting it before biting into the Hybrids neck, and ripping out his  throat. He left the body there, slumped against the door, yet it slowly slipped and fell off the roof.

As Beckett ran out to help Atlas and Cyrus, he turned around and faced me, screaming through the load roars and wind. "Get the rest of the group, and GO! NOW!"

I nodded and I spun around, turning the hatch quickly and roughly, before yanking open the door and pushing Rayven, Kai, Zeke, and Memphis into the ship. I then turned around and faced Beckett, Atlas, and Cyrus, all on the roof of the building under a force field.
As I stood on the steps I called out to them, getting their attention and waving for them to come over, but I was a second too late.

As Cyrus and Atlas stood up with Beckett, the last standing crocodile hybrid grabbed Atlas through the forcefield and bit his neck grinning, with blood pouring down, while he reached around and sliced his stomach open, Atlas's green eyes fading away as his neon hair slowly died down and covered his head as well, no longer held up looking messy and spiked by gravity.

He made no sound, but only strangled out some choking words that only Beckett and Cyrus could hear. They both quickly shot up and double teamed the Hybrid, Cyrus flame kicking him, and Beckett slicing his head off with an ice sword, before they both ran over to me with Atlas's body.

I was standing on the steps halfway through the door when they ran up, handing him over to me causing me to quickly pass him to Kai.
I faced him with wide eyes as I spoke in a rush.
"Do whatever you can, quickly."
I whipped out the black rectangle and handed it to Memphis. "Babe this has got to be the key. Start it up, and get it going NOW." I said, putting it into her hands and spinning around.

He nodded and pulled him inside and she ran to the front as I turned around to face Beckett and Cyrus. "You guys, come on. This is our last chance, let's go, now!" I screamed impatiently over the wind, looking at them, though time seemed to slow down next.

No sooner had I said this, four more Hybrids burst through the door and began running after me and them. At this time, the engine roared to life and the winds began whipping ever harder, even pushing the Hybrids back some, giving us very little time.
But Cyrus and Beckett exchanged quick glances before turning around to face me with grim faces before shoving and pushing me back, then slamming the door shut, spinning and locking the hatch.

I ran over to the window and banged on it screaming at them to let me out or at least to come on aboard but they shook their heads, the Hybrids still being held back. They both clicked their communicators on speaking.
"No Rhent." Beckett said, a slight smile on his face, with a light in his icy blue eyes. "Go to Mars, and prove them wrong. Prove that we can make it and survive. Do it for me, Altas and Halcyon. Otherwise this all would've been through nothing... Bye Rhent, this ones for you." He said through the communicator, his eyes filling with tears, as he clicked it off.

Cyrus smiled at me as well, a look of ease on his face as he held the small metal torch with vines on it in his hand. "Go on," he said. "You know we cant all make it. So, Do it for Halcyon and for me. Please, just remember us when you're gone. Goodbye, Rhent." He said, a slight tear in his eye.

And with that, they spun around and faced off the last of the Hybrids. Beckett began punching and freezing the ground causing massive ice spikes everywhere and Cyrus was throwing flames and fireballs at everyone, before finally Beckett jumped off the building, two hybrids frozen with him going down covered in ice, and Cyrus lit up brighter than the ship's flames and flew up, then came crashing down with an explosion so big, it ripped apart the building, shredding all of the metal and ground beneath it, scorching everything with a flurry of bright red, orange, and white flames.  This gave the ship a massive boost, sending it, and all of us flying through the air, making the city look like a little speck, shooting us past the dark black and blood red storm clouds of Nexanveer, until all that was left, was a black and deep red ball spinning around and around soundlessly In space.

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