Chapter 21: Space Opera

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It had been almost a month and a half since Ember/Cyrus had destroyed the ship almost completely. Everyone was feelimg better, everyone was safe again. We had all repaired the ship, mostly Zeke's bulk and Rayvens gift, but we all helped out.
This ship had become home, but, with Becketts help, we had discovered there was indeed a new way off of here.

We had to all travel to a city of sorts, a rather large city that was filled with monstrosities waiting to kill us. It was the capital city, the largest one here on this planet or moon. It was called Nexanversa. They were originally people like us, with gifts. But something went wrong. Whether they killed each other or tried to survive or just went insane. They built up small towns and villages and one giant city, taking over this giant secret government that was here before we were.

A few rouges and rebels such as Beckett survived and made it, going into hiding. But for the most part, it was all them. These, Hybridhumans as we called them, or Hybrids for short, were more deadly than we thought.
But that was the only way off. There were still multiple of the small
villages/towns we had to get through and deal with, by maybe some of them had some actual people such as Beckett. All of this was mind blowing and honestly crazy. It was as if I was in a live action Space Opera only it wasn't what you'd think.

I woke up one morning with Memphis curled up by my side and I smiled.
We had made it almost a year and it was going great. Then again so were Rayven and Kai as well. I slipped out of bed as quietly as I could, hoping not to wake her, accidentally chewing the inside of my cheek as a bad habit.
As I stood up i walked over to the mirror and examined myself. I had changed, built up some more muscle, though not nearly as much as Zeke or a wrestler. It was just clear I could handle myself. I had maybe a.... four pack? I didn't really care.

My silver curtain of hair was now long and almost to my shoulders and I thought now was a good time to cut it.
I trimmed it to where it just barely hung past my eyes and the back just barely grazed my shoulders. More or less how i looked when we first got here. On the other hand, I had what was almost a full beard. My stubble had grown out, a lot.

I shaved that off too, now just having a shaggy head of silver and a smooth face as well. My toned body was covered in sweat as I woke up from a nightmare. I looked down at the tattoo on my leg, as all I was wearing were my boxers. It was an odd symbol and i wasn't sure what It was. I took a deep breath and I washed my face and sat there for a second letting the cool water run and I sighed. Who was I? I asked as I looked into my reflection in the water.

I still couldn't remember anything except that i was poor and i originally did this for money, maybe a little glory. Mostly to just get away. But who was I? What was my gift?

As I took a breath and let it out, I felt soft hands wrap around my shirtless chest, Memphis's arms holding me close to her. I leaned back into her arms and her now completely red haired head rested on my shoulder.

"What are you thinking about baby?" She asked me, the concern clear in her voice.

I shook my head slightly. "Nothing, love. Just still trying to figure out who I am. Wondering who I was." I said slowly.

She knew everything about me and all of my problems and struggles. She knew how much I thought about it and dealt with it every day. All I could think about now though was her. And that's all I wanted to think about.

She nodded and pressed a soft kiss to my shoulder. "You know who you are?" She asked me.

I looked at her in the mirror in response and she smiled. "You're mine. You are Rhent Thomas and more than that, you're a leader here. Everyone here looks up to you. Even Zeke." She said with a warm and soft smile.

She was right, and I knew it. I had to make the best out of things, out of all of these things. I was more or less the basic leader here and everyone agrees with me.

I nodded and she kissed my shoulder and slowly made her way up my neck. I tilted my neck to the side letting her slowly pepper her way up to my now smooth jaw until she found my lips. I turned around and faced her and smiled pressing our foreheads together and sighing. I sat on the counter and pulled her between my legs as I cradled her face in my hands and cupped her cheek. I pulled her up to me and I kissed her softly, slowly, but picked up the pace.

I slid down from the counter and turned around pinning her against the wall, pressing our kisses deeper.
I grabbed her hips and butt and pushed her up onto the counter and then pulled her shirt off leaving us both shirtless now. That was all she had on besides some black panties and honestly it wasn't like that was going to last long either. Both of our bare chests pressed against each other and I lead her back to the bed, laying her down and sliding into the bed with her.

As we continued to kiss and get lost in each other I knew that this was all I wanted. Getting off of this stupid moon or planet or not, I didn't care. I just wanted her. I just needed her.

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