Chapter 41: Wrong Place At The Wrong Time

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As we walked down the dimly lit hallway, all we heard were the steps of our boots on the solid stone floor.
Soon, Diecl opened yet another door, this time it led us to a kind of den of some sorts. There was a bar directly in front of us, in the middle, and someone playing the piano to our right somewhere. There were little circular tables everywhere and there was plenty of drinking and smoking. It was fancy though. Not like that almost saloon we were at when we first got here. This was like what you'd see on the first floor of a hotel.

He led us up to the bar and told us to make ourselves at home, at which we did. We all ordered a drink and I downed mine quickly, whatever it was scorching my throat on the way down. As I looked around I spotted a man in a suit in the back corner to my right, next to the piano. I though now was a good time, so, I made my move.

As I walked over with a drink for him as well I sat down. He was a large man, at least seven feet tall, and all muscle too. He had a short cropped haircut and jet black hair to match it.
What topped it all off was the grizzled beard he had too. As I sat down I looked at him and grunted shoving a bottle his way. He caught it and glared at me before chugging it and then looking at me. "What do you want?" He asked me bluntly, obviously getting to the point.

"I need to know who supplies Nexanvirium. Me and my friends over there are running out. Who's the big man?" I asked him, bluntly as well. I had had some liquor in me, but I was gonna be blunt as well anyways.

He sighed before laughing a low quiet laugh and then looked at me, his eyes turning red. He was one of the vampire esqe hybrids too. Got it.
"The man's name, The Darkness Man if I'm correct, is Mr. Rahsteck. Hes a very hard man to come by, and even if you do, he'll kill you on sight." He whispered cautiously to me.

I nodded before showing my fangs and letting my power cover my arms, inky, dark green tendrils, wrapping and creeping their way up. "Then let him." I replied. As I stood up, someone wrapped a strong arm around me and whipped me around to face them, revealing themselves to be a big eight foot tall, scaled, muscular, almost crocodile like man.

"You came to the wrong bar outsider." He snarled at me. I sighed knowing what was about to happen before cracking my neck. And that's when it started.

He went to swing at me and I leaned back as if doing limbo, dodging him completely. As I came back up I used my power to turn my arm into a massive claw like his and grab him, throwing him across the room and into a table. He got up snarling and popped something into his mouth which I couldn't see. Then he started foaming and his muscles visibly tripled and I groaned. Nexanvirium.

As he came charging at me I changed my arm into what was essentially a large hammer and smashed his face in at just the right time, sending him flying across the bar, breaking glass and bottles and leaving a crack in the wall. As he stood up, cracked glass and bottles rolled off of him, hitting the floor and pouring liquor everywhere. I turned to see Zeke and Kai sitting at another table watching this all go down and Kai raised a bottle with a smile in a cheers motion to me.

As I turned around I met a fat scaley fist to the face which sent me flying across the room. As I stood up he charged at me, clearly thinking I was weak and taking his window. In the split second before he hit me, I changed my arm into a sword and plunged it into his stomach, flipping him over me and us breaking another table in the process.

As I rolled off of him I stood up and smiled at Kai and Zeke giving them a thumbs up, just before two more hands spun me around. I turned to face a wolf man, a bear man, and what seemed to be a guy mixed with a snake like from earlier.

I turned around and looked at Kai and Zeke who came over to help.
The wolf man came first but Kai punched him so hard he flew sideways into a table. Then Zeke practically tackled the Bear dude leaving me with the Snake.

He was scaled and had a long forked tongue and was exceptionally fast. He also had claws which he tried to cut me with. As he swung at me, I blocked his hit then kicked him in the knee hearing it crack and watching him fall to his knees in front of me. I punched him in the face and as I did so, he bit into my leg bringing me down to his level as well. He hissed and went to bite my neck before I punched him in the side and then slid the blade out of my gauntlet, and stabbed him in the neck, hearing it sizzle and fry and watching his blue blood creep down my arm.

As I stood up and turned around I saw Kai dealing with the wolf man and almost stepped in before he handled it. The wolf came charging at him on all fours and Kai closed his eyes opening a portal in front of him, which the wolf ran into. A portal opened on the other side of the room and out came the wolf at full speed, crashing into a wall. He stood up, foaming at the mouth and growled running after Kai. As he got closer Kai started moving his hands as a puppeteer and suddenly, the dead crocodile corpse came to life and grabbed the wolf man biting into his neck and ripping it out, throwing him across the room, while both bodies collapsed onto the floor.

I walked over and we both looked over to see see Zeke fighting the Bear, Zeke now also eight feet tall and ripped. He had fangs and claws and as the other man came at him, Zeke punched him stunning him, then picked him up and slammed him into the piano hearing multiple cracks and snaps. He roared before picking the Bear man up, and kicking him into a table then finally, grabbing him by the neck and plunging his face into the floor with a loud crack echoing the bar.

I sighed as I sat down next to Kai and took a drink while Zeke morphed back to human and came over next to us. "Well. Now we have pretty much no way to find out where Rahsteck is. We'll have to do this all over again." I said exasperated.

Kai looked up and then smiled a bit before laughing. "Not exactly." He replied.

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