Chapter 55: Oooooo, Get Out Of My Way.

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Behind the door, when we opened it, lie the greatest discovery of this planet. Somehow, some way, someone here before us had been building a new ship to get off.

Just before us lay a platform with stairs to the left, leading up to more platforms. And just past the platform in front of us, was a huge ship that was pretty much complete. It was about the size of the last one we were on, and it was our ticket out. There was in fact a way off of this planet.

It was massive and it was black and grey, and at the very top, there was a hatch with steps leading to it. It was at the very top of the platforms, at least ten up.
I then realized that we were outside. There was nothing else out here except the ship, the stairs and platform. There was the dirt wasteland and jagged stones at the bottom, and a few buildings off in the distance behind us, but other than that there was nothing.

The only other thing was the red and black storm clouds headed to us, and growls and roars of the nearby NecroHybrids. We had made it.

I spun around to face everybody, their jaws dropped as well. "Okay everyone! This is it, our one way ticket off this hell! Everyone gear up, and get ready, cause were going and not stopping till we're gone!" I screamed out with a wide smile.

They all cheered and grinned as well before I spun back around and started racing up the stairs to the next platform, the group following close behind.

But it didnt take long before we were stopped, of course, by Hybrids. And these were some of the deadliest I'd ever seen.
There was a massive bear-like hybrid who was easily nine feet tall, followed by a tiger-man and rhino-man of the same height and weight.
But to top it all off, standing behind all of them, denting the platform, was the biggest of them all. An enormous ten foot tall crocodile hybrid with spikes and razor sharp teeth who looked hungry.

I shook my head and literally growled with impatience. "Not this time you ugly bastards. Get out of my way."
I spit out through my gritted teeth.
And then, we were off.

I ran after the first hybrid which was the bear like one, with Zeke by my side. He punched it in the face with his spiked knuckles, and I used my burning gauntlet blade, now out of its case, and sliced his stomach and then the back of his legs. As he was on his knees, Zeke kneed him in the face before I punched him, my fist now hard as stone, covered in spikes.

Once he fell over, Zeke kicked his head, breaking his neck, before saying "Screw This" and pulling out his heavy pistols, shooting the Rhino in the shoulder.
In the meanwhile, the tiger hybrid was busy being under a full fledged attack between Kai, Beckett, and Memphis.

Kai used the blood from the bear hybrid we killed and made a longsword out of it, using two hands to run up to him, and swing it upwards, slicing him across his body vertically.
Beckett had made an ice hammer and smashed both of the hybris knees before freezing its arms to the floor, but not before it got a good bite on him, chomping down on his arm.
Though, that didnt last long.

Memphis quickly levitated Kais longsword before jumping up into the air and levitating herself as well, and then surged down towards the hybrid who growled at her, plunging the sword through it's back and out its chest.

While they were busy doing that, Rayven and Altas had begun attacking the rhino hybrid Zeke was shooting at. Rayven had used her staff as more or less a vault, to shoot up and onto the rhinos back, holding on to the horn and repeatedly punching the side of its face with her fists glowing with electricity. Atlas used her distracting him as an opportunity to stomp down, sending them all flying into the air. While they were up there, Atlas grabbed Rayven by the arm and pulled her over to him, before force shoving the hybrid down onto her staff with all his might, the staff puncturing it's back and out its chest, before they landed and Rayven grabbed it, cleaning it off.

Now the only one left was the crocodile. This hybrid was a beast and both Cyrus and I looked at each other before nodding and starting the attack together.
Cyrus ran after it, stopping short and cupping his hands together as I ran foward and stepped into his hands, him throwing me up. At this point i was about eye height with it, and I morphed my arm into spiked whip, wrapping it around his neck.

I swung around, now practically standing horizontally on his back, and then shoved my gauntlet blade into his lower back.
At this, he roared and spun around and around, trying to grab me and effectively giving me motion sickness.
Cyrus saw this as an opportunity though and quickly made a flaming sword, chopping off half of the Hybrids arm when he spun around, causing it to scream in anger.

It decided to grab my arm/whip from around its neck finally, and flung me down onto the platform, denting it and breaking something in me. Though, as it went to stomp on me with its massive clawed foot, my body wasnt having that and hardened to rock, making him just stand there basically.
At this time, Cyrus lit himself ablaze and flew by, grabbing the leg and yanking him off of me, causing the hybrid to fall on its face, its leg now on fire, the flames creeping their way up.

It hissed and growled, grabbing its leg with it's only arm and attempted to stand up and snap at us, though before it failed miserably, Cyrus backhanded it with a flaming slap to the face, sending teeth flying.
I then decided to put it out of its misery, turning my arm into the jagged blade once more, and walking over to it, stabbing it in the chest, causing it to cease all noise and movement.

By now we were easily at least half the way up, as the fights had taken us up to the other platforms and now we were much further along. We had about three platforms left before we reached the door to the ship, but of course it wasnt that easy.
Once we got to about the third platform from the top, the rest beneath us bent and creaked, before falling down and smashing against the ground at least sixty feet down, leaving us with only up as a way out, and forcing us to get up there quickly.

And, as we got to the top all looked good and clear. It seemed as if we had finally made it to our way off. But that was before the last three NecroHybrids busted through the door on the roof and charged at all of us, waiting at the steps to the ship, causing Cyrus to lose his cool.

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