Chapter 10: Isn't It Beautiful? And kinda Cliche?

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I stared jaw dropped out the window. Before me lay a massive jungle of sorts with Beautiful plants of eye popping colors. Vibrant pinks and yellows and oranges and blues were everywhere. Yet...something was off.

I took a minute to think and I looked up at the sky. That's when the real horror hit me. It was a massive sprawling deep blood red and grey storm as far as the eye could see, some of the clouds turning black as coal.

I heard Rayven take a breath with Kai and Zeke as well. Cyrus just kinda sat there in the corner glaring at it with a smirk on his face obviously enjoying this. I then noticed that he had changed Into something else aside from the tight body suit we all woke up in.

He now had a deep red short sleeve compression shirt and black cargos. I noticed that unlike Kai, Cyrus had tattoos all the way down both arms as well as two on his neck. But none on his face thankfully, and also whereas Kai had messy medium length blonde hair, Cyrus's was neatly combed up.

I really didn't like the vibe he was giving off. I heard Memphis run in. "Hey guys! Whats u- oh..." She said trailing off. I looked at her and we both shared a slight smirk because of our secret meeting downstairs.

"Yea." I said, smiling. "That's what we're going into. So strap up and get ready cause it's gonna get rough." I walked by her to head down to the armory with everyone else and she whispered into my ear, "But that's how I like it."

I rushed down to the armory as fast as I could to Avoid her and anything that was gonna happen. This was intense and heating up by the moment.
I got down to the armory and put on the carbon nano fiber body piece as well as some extra padding for protection. I already had my specialty boots and a backpack full of stuff.

I looked over at Kai as I strapped on some gloves and grinned. "Hey Kai," I called. He jerked his head up and looked at me. "Yea?"

"Today's the day!" I said with a smile.
He smiled as well and said, "The day we die!" We both chuckled knowing Kai's secret power. I paused and thought for a second and realized there were some interesting secrets here.

Memphis walked up behind me strapped up and read as well and smiled. "You ready baby?" She whispered. I nodded and leaned in to kiss her in the process grabbing her from behind and pushed back before we broke apart. "Yep." I said. "Let's go. Everybody, you should have some kind of communication device. It's like a watch and it fits smoothly on your wrist, you can thank our new tech genius here Rayven."

She smiled and did a fake fancy bow giggling obviously proud of her work and I couldn't blame her. "Alright. Kai, you're with Zeke and Memphis. Cyrus... you're with me and Rayven." I said with a sigh.

We all grabbed a helmet and headed back up to the central control room and waited for Rayven. "Okay, so how do we get out?" I asked her. She walked up to the elevator and pushed a button and looked at all of us. "For future reference, the button that has a tree on it, that says outside underneath it, is the way to get out."

I loved sarcasm. "So, do we know if the air out there is breathable?" Everyone looked at me and shrugged their shoulders. "Well, we have to have someone go test it out. I'll go okay? Kai...if anything happens, you know what to do." He nodded and I walked to the elevator and turned on the watch communicator.

"Hey," I said on the way down. "Is anybody on? Can you hear me?"
I heard static at first and then everyone checked in so I knew that it was working for all of us.

The doors opened and I stepped into a room that had two more large doors directly in front of me. The rest of the room was a nice grey and some black. The only other way out was the elevator doors behind me. I put on the helmet from the armory and pressed a button on the side turning it on and connecting it to the watch.

The visor lit up and revealed everything in front of me, clear as day. On the corner of my eye was a blue gauge of sorts and it was filled all the way up and on my right was another gauge, this one red. I adjusted the helmet till I was comfortable and sighed. "Okay." I said. "Going in."

I took a step towards the doors and pressed a button and they slid open revealing the Beautiful jungle ahead of me. I walked into it feeling the soft feel of dirt underneath my feet and hearing the crunch of leaves. I looked around and saw no threats or any clear trails really.

I pulled off a glove to see if the air stung or anything and it was just surprisingly cool and crisp. I smiled and took off my helmet slowly feeling the cool air reach its way up my neck eventually to my face and took a deep breath. Breathable air.

"Hey everyone?" I said, Clearly feeling all of their tension. It was dead silent and I swear even Cyrus was concerned. Then I heard Kai's voice over the watch. "Yea? Are you okay? Is it safe?" I kept smiling and looking around me at all of the plants and stuff utterly starstruck and in awe at the planet.

"Yea." I said with one last deep breath. "I'm fine. Hell, I'm great." I heard them all laugh and sigh in relief. "Come on out guys. We've got some exploring to do. I'm not sure about farther out, but i know that right now, here, were good."

I waited for the rest of them to come out and looked around some more and then i noticed something I hadn't seen before. A very ever so slight trail. Just directly in front of me. It was swallowed by the trees and dark blue plants, but it was there. And that's where I was gonna go first.

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