Chapter 24: One of A Kind

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We all made our way downstairs to where the Labs were, following Rayven. She had reformed one of the labs into a training facility of sorts. Basically just a nice practice room.
She had also made the lab much bigger with some help from all of us. As we got down there, her, and Memphis stayed outside. While Kai, Beckett and Zeke followed me in.

"Okay. So. We're gonna take it easy at first, one at a time to see if you can at least defend yourself. Thankfully if you can't, or if you hurt us, the labs just across the hall and I have my gift." Kai said. He looked at me and nodded. "Ready?" I nodded in return and we started.

Kai came at me first pretending to punch me but instead bringing his leg up to my chest. With supernatural speed i grabbed his leg and flung him back against Zeke who caught him. Next up was Beckett. He slipped a leg underneath mine and pushed me using a little ice to chill my chest where his hands were, but as if reflexively, what seemed like extra arms shot out of my back and kept me up. I shot up and ducked his hit swinging my leg around to catch him in the back.

The last one was Zeke. He looked at me, then looked at them and back at me. He used his powers to slightly shift and give him more muscles and charged at me. As soon as he got about a foot away, I ran to the corner, kicked off the wall and flipped upside down, landing on his shoulders. Enjoying myself and the new power I let the mask part slip away and let out a loud "yeehaw" effectively pissing Zeke off even more.

He ran to the wall backwards trying to knock me off and I heard both Beckett and Kai laughing at my antics and I smiled. He went to run me into the wall one last time and I jumped up using my suit/power to stick myself to the ceiling. I let go and stood effectively upside down looking at them all as they stood up to face me.

Before I knew what was happening they all charged at me at once and I let the suit envelope my face again. I jumped down, planting my feet square on Zeke's chest and pushing with all my might throwing him against the wall. As I landed Kai ran towards me and went to kick me, while I went to grab his leg. Again, on reflex my powers practically pulled me to turn around and in slow motion I saw Becketts ice covered fist plummeting towards my face. I leaned back causing him to hit Kai and letting go of his leg, kicked them both back onto Zeke, who had just gotten up.

Kai's eyes lit up as well as Becketts, who's veins burned bright blue. I felt the suit tighten a little more, but still comfortable, and settled back into a defensive almost ninja stance. When did I learn that?

As Kai stood up he closed his eyes and whispered and his tattoos began to move. As someone who's friends with him, I know this can't be good. Before I knew it, a large monstrosity of a bear mixed with a reptile stood before me, decaying at the sight. Kai opened his eyes and in front of him appeared a portal which he simply walked through disappearing leaving me alone with both Beckett, and the
bear/croc. It charged at me as Beckett threw an iceball and my arm just instantly became a shield. The suit extended itself and then hardened to a rock and shattered the iceball.

Unfortunately, the shield itself shattered from the undead bear. As it lunged at me I threw one arm forward using my shapeshifting power to make my arm a sword and slice off one leg, crumbling the creature to the ground. I serrated the blade and finished off the beast by cutting off the head and it simply disintegrated to dust, which disappeared.

Then Kai flew out of a portal in ceiling kicking me in the face and knocking me down.

As I stood up Beckett went to kick me and my arms, which were back to normal, turned into some sort of tentacles which wrapped around his legs and Let me fling him back and forth against the wall. After I let him go both Zeke and Kai punched me in the face knocking me back and Beckett threw an iceball from across the room freezing me to the wall.

"Truce?" I called out, in a loud sigh.
Everyone else nodded, sighed, and groaned slumping their heads against the wall and relaxed. Memphis opened the door and her and Rayven both walked in smiling at us all and I let the mask pull away as I smiled at her.

"Can I hug you? Or kiss you?" She asked jokingly as she approached me. I nodded and said yes and she wrapped her arms around my body. She kissed me and I shifted letting the suit slip away.

"So...I guess we've kinda figured out what it is?" She asked. I nodded and took a breath, wrapping my head around all of this.

"I'm a shapeshifter, kinda like Zeke. But whereas he's got more limited shapeshifting, and can only turn into animals or have animal abilities, I'm not. I can modify my body to make me stronger and faster and also make my body a weapon. Such as swords, axes, hammers, or stuff like hooks, tentacles, claws or even tools." I said, explaining everything more clearly.

Memphis nodded her head in understanding and let out a breath and everybody else just sighed. I paused for a second and a though crossed my mind. "I wonder if I can change the color?" I thought out loud.

"Huh?" Memphis looked up at me. "I mean I guess you could." She said. I nodded at her. After all, it was my genes. My DNA.

I stood up and walked over to the reflection and willed it up. I pushed myself a bit until it covered my arm and I pressed with my mind for it to be a different color. I need a color to blend in. A color that no one else on this ship had taken for that matter. Something one of a kind I guess.
I opened my eyes and looked at my new arm, glistening with a semi solid dark green liquid.

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