Chapter 1: The Landing

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I awoke to the sound of alarms blaring repeatedly. It wasn't an alarm as in danger, more like wake up already. I couldn't even tell where i was. I knew my eyes were open but it was pitch black here.

I reached up and rubbed my eyes and felt around me. I was in some kind of container of sorts, kind of like I was in a cylindrical kind of bed. A coffin basically.
What was going on? I started pounding on the roof and the sides and I screamed for it to open as if that would help. And to my surprise It did.
The top slid open to reveal fresh air and a room.

I sat up and all around me were other containers, some open, some closed.
Whatever happened I got the feeling I wasn't alone. I stood up on shakey legs and climbed over the side.

I was in a large square room but there were all these containers on the floor in a circle with a pretty big control center in the middle.
I went over to look at it and saw that some "beds" as they were called were red, others were blue and some weren't lit up at all. They each had names and corresponding numbers.

I found the number I was at, 18 and there was no name attached to it.
It was odd, so I continued looking.
Eventually with a few taps on one of the screens, I found my name.

Rhent Thomas. But for some reason I still couldn't remember anything. I walked away and started looking at the other beds, searching for anyone else. Apparently the ones that weren't lit up were.... deceased. Dead.

The red ones were people who had escaped, or woke up, people like me. The green ones were those who were still in "stasis."More or less, a non lethal coma.

There were still a few with their hatches open and there were some closed. I couldn't tell which ones were dead or alive, but obviously they-we weren't supposed to be awake. So I left them be. I had to search the rest of this ship anyways.

I walked out the one single set of double doors and it opened to a hallway. There were a few doors on either side, but as I was walking and looking in, I saw nothing of interest. The hall was long and made a sharp left so I took it, only to be soon met by a rather large metal door.

I turned the handle and slammed my shoulder against the door two or three times until it bust open, revealing what must have been a kitchen of some sort. Food and rations were everywhere...yet some of it had been spilled. I knew I wasn't the only one up.

I grabbed what looked like a backpack and just filled it up with food. I'm assuming we crash landed somewhere, but the power was still working for a little bit. For now at least. Therefore, I was going to get all I could in case it shuts down.

I slung the pack over my shoulder and continued through the kitchen, undisturbed. The door at the other end opened up to get another hallway, though this one was shorter and there was only one door at the end.

I approached the door carefully looking to see what was inside, but whatever it was it was kept cool. The window had been frosted over. I stepped back and crouched down to the handle and slowly turned it, hoping there was nothing right behind the door.

It made a loud click, then a pop and a hiss when I turned it and it slowly creaked wide open. I could not believe what lay before me. I was standing in the middle of some kind of armory of some sort, armors and even some weapons lying about all through this room. If I was going to die, I wasn't gonna do it without a fight.

I didn't want to wear any armor right now for the fear of someone else finding me, but I grabbed what looked like a gauntlet and a pistol. The gauntlet had a button in the center of it on the inside of the arm. I slipped it on and pressed the button, to be greeted by a twelve inch blade. But it was glowing with energy oddly enough. I pressed the button and it went back in and I turned around to head out.

I just wasn't sure I wanted anyone else to know about this room yet. I mean, I'm on a crashed spaceship with about twenty nine other people. It should be safe right?

I walked out of that room, the armory and headed back through the kitchen. There had to be some other way out of here. As I walked through the kitchen I saw a ladder leading up, just outside of the kitchen door. Well, this seems like the only other way.

I started to climb the ladder very slowly, adjusting my pack as I went, with my gauntlet ready to go. I got to the top of the ladder where there was a hatch and slowly pressed on it applying light pressure to see if it was open and it was. I pushed it up very slowly, with the hand that didn't have the gauntlet on it, just in case.

There was no one else in this room from what I could see, but obviously someone else had been here. There was food and supplies lying about and a whole stash of first aid stuff in the corner. I had to find the labs in here or something. As I walked around this rather large room I noticed alot of things in here.

In the center there was a huge circle and lit up above it was a holographic planet, but not of Earth. My guess is wherever we crashed. Behind this, covering one wall, was a whole entire tech station, filled with countless screens. There were multiple desks and stations lain about, so obviously this was somewhat a work room. On another wall were even more tech stuff, and then on the final wall there was a door. Which three people burst out of laughing and wrestling until they saw me, which was the point where they drew their guns.

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