Chapter 7: Dinner Plans

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As we sat down at dinner my head was still spinning from what had happened in the kitchen earlier. Nobody knew what was happening between me and Memphis except Kai, and to be honest I think I'd rather keep it that way. I think Zeke would lose it when he finds out.

As we were eating, Rayven paused and and smiled looking at Memphis.
"This is really good," she said. "But I have to ask, are you a vegetarian?" Memphis laughed out loud before looking at her and then at me. "No. I just didn't have enough...meat."

I swear I almost choked on my water and Kai looked at me as if I were his next zombie. I gave him A look that said I'll explain it all later and he nodded understanding me.

As we were eating I heard a slight alarm going off, nothing too annoying, but still worth checking out. Though nobody else seemed to move. I looked around the table and paused. "You guys don't hear that?" I asked.

Everybody looked at me as if I was on drugs. "Hear what?" Rayven asked. I put my hands up and paused once more listening, still hearing the slight ringing of the alarm. "It's like an alarm. Like the one I heard before I woke up." They all looked at me as I stood up and ran out to the hatch.

"Where are you going?" Shouted Memphis. "The Bedroom!" I shouted in reply. Oh she was gonna take that multiple ways. She was gonna have fun with that, and I knew then I wasn't going to live that down.

I climbed down the hatch into the kitchen and made my way into the hallway before carefully reaching the door that lead to the Bedroom. I had my gauntlet ready As I opened the door and it creaked wide open to reveal that the alarm had stopped. I took a step into the room and didn't see any beds open besides mine and the others upstairs.

As I made my way to the control center at the middle I pressed a flashing button on the screen that read the word AWAKE over and over again. I found the match to the bed it was talking about and ran over slipping my blade out of the gauntlet and into the top of the bed. I heard a click and then a hiss and it slid to the side revealing the person inside.

It was a younger guy about the age of 17, just a year younger than me. He had a sharp jaw and defined features and almost no facial hair. He had short, but not buzz cut, almost medium length bright blonde hair. The odd thing though was he seemed to be asleep so I don't know why the alarm was blaring so loud. I was in utter confusion when Kai rushed into the room asking what had happened until he saw me and what or rather, who I was looking at.

" you know him? Do we know him?" He asked. I shook my head. I sure didn't. And honestly I doubt any of them did. "No." I said. "But for some reason the alarm was blaring like crazy and when I got in it just seemed to stop. I don't know what caused it but he seems to be alive? I think he's just sleeping." I said.

Kai looked at me in question and I reached out to place my hand on the persons neck, right under the ear so I could tell if there was a pulse. Before I could get there though, it was as if his body had put off extreme amounts of heat. I jerked my hands back and blew on it for a second while Kai was laughing at me in the background.
"What's the matter?" He said, "Is he too hot for you?" He asked continuing his laughing fit.

I smirked at him. "Yea haha. Laugh it up man. This dude's body is like literally scorching." I said. Then I realized what I said and how it had not helped my situation at all and Kai busted out laughing again almost falling over this time. "Does Memphis know this?" He asked while crying from laughing so hard. I took two fingers, swung them around in a circle and flung it at him, a gesture that was equivalent to the middle finger in 2020.

He gave me a fake offended look and we both heard a groan as the guy in the bed woke up. I stood there captivated by his eyes which were literally red and gold, a burning ember within. He looked at me as he sat up and stood out of the bed, showing that he was actually incredibly fit. He looked at me and Kai and then walked past us to the control center.

"Who are you?" He asked in an almost commanding tone, clearly not threatened by either of us. "My name's Rhent, and this is Kai...and you are?" "Cyrus" he said immediately, not missing a beat without looking up from the screen. I looked at Kai wide eyed and shrugged my shoulders in confusion not knowing anything about this guy. Whoever Cyrus was, he knew something we didn't. Or he had been through all of this before, which I highly doubted.

I walked towards him and carefully gauged his movements my gauntlet at the ready. "So.." I said, "There's more people than just us awake. They're all upstairs and just finished supper. Do you wanna go meet them?" He looked at me and smirked before saying, "Sure. Why not?" I nodded my head and walked away from him heading to the door, Kai following close behind him as if he were a prisoner. He gave off this bad vibe, the kind of terrifying, uptight,
i-keep-my-evil-composed, bad vibe.

I stopped walking halfway through the hallway and turned and looked at him. "There's two women up there, and if you even think about harming either one of them I will make sure that you never walk or eat again." I said making sure he knew I wasn't lying. He smirked and nodded his head as we continued up the hatch and right then I decided I didn't like this guy. I did not like Cyrus.

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