Chapter 54: What A Shocker!

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As soon as we walked into the room, the Hybrids attacked us. All of us.

The room was big, and it literally looked like a training facility of sorts. A bunch of targets and dummies lying around, a few weapons on the walls, and two doors. One way in, behind us, and one way out, behind the five hybrids in the room.

Now I'm typically the first one to initiate the fight on either side, but this time it was different. Obviously we were getting closer to a way off of here, or whatever was at the center of Nexanversa. The hybrids attacked us first, and this time, Cyrus retaliated before anyone could react.

One of the more larger, crocodile like men came after me, hands raised above his head, gripping an axe, but wasnt able to get far. Cyrus ran in front of me and slid under the guy, hands on fire, grabbing his ankles and bringing him to his knees. While he was on the ground, Cyrus stood behind him, and in one quick, smooth motion, snapped his neck, hands still ablaze and covered in flames.

Next up, one of them attempted to attack Cyrus from behind, but Atlas had used his powers to manipulate the gravational field, and levitated him, before he force threw him across the room into another guy. He then picked up a sword from off the wall, and flew directly at the hybrid, plunging the sword into his chest and, quickly flying back across the room grabbing another one.

Beckett had ran up to one hybrid who swung, though he ducked the massive fist. As he straightened up, he stomped and punched the metal floor, covering it in ice, before he generated ice spikes in a line, backing the hybrid into a corner and eventually, skewering him into the wall, blood running down the spikes and onto the floor.

Finally, Kai and Rayven teamed up on the last one. He ripped off one of the dead hybrids head, and whispered in its ear, suddenly bringing it to life. A split second later, it was rolling on the floor snapping is razor sharp jaws at the last one like a Chain Chomp from Mario.
While he was distracted, Rayven had activated her staff and swung it hard, smashing the Hybrid in the face with electricity surging through his body. As he fell to the ground, she plunged the staff into his head, and Kai picked up his little Chain Chomp head.

Everyone looked at him, as he held the disembodied crocodile/man head under his arm. "What?" He said in denial. "Hes friendly and a helpful little guy."

We shook our heads and made our way to the other door at the back. As soon as I opened it, I was greeted by a giant furry fist to the face and i groaned as i doubled over.

I sat up straight and leaned back as the fust came again, this time getting a view of my attacker. It was a bear-like NecroHybrid, easily nine feet tall, blocking the hall in front of us.

Behind me, Memphis sighed and I smiled at her nodding at the Hybrid. "Wanna join me?" I asked her, nonchalantly.

Quickly, I morphed my arm into a massive spiked ball, and smacked the guy in the face, sending him flying back. As he was in the air, Memphis, using her telekinesis, threw him even further back, hitting the wall and cracking it with a satisfying splintering patter through the metal.
As he was down, I activated my boot blade and kicked him in the chin, the blade plunging through his mouth, finishing him off.

I walked over to her and gave her a quick kiss before smiling and walking back to the door, with everyone following suit.
I opened the door and we went up two flights of stairs, no doors along the way, which was odd, but we accepted it. Soon we hit one last metal door at the end of the stairs and stopped. It was quiet and we decided to play this one a bit quiet too.

We slowly opened the door to reveal what seemed to be a lab of some sort, glass containers and vials on tables with wires and tubes everywhere, odd control panels and switches and glass and metal walls.

In the room, unhappy to see us, were three snake-like hybrids. One of them held a vial of steaming liquid and the other two were at control panels, both of them snapping away to face us.

Before anyone did anything, Kai used the crossbow with exceptional speed, shooting the steaming vial out of the one guys hand.
As he did, it shattered the vial, acidic liquid flying everywhere and covering the hybrids hand, which now had an arrow in it.

The hybrid hissed in plain and let out a wail of agony as the other two began their attack.
One of the two began to attack Memphis, who simply raised her hand and made him levitate,
then threw him through a table, breaking vials with glass sticking out of him.
She then raised up a metal pole, from the pile of table, and plunged it through the Hybrids neck.

Top top it all off and finish the last Hybrid, Rayven had used all of the technology in here, in this room, to her advantage. It was her time to shine.  She crouched down and touched the side of the control panel, and it came to life, the wires surging and whipping wildly everywhere, levers ripping themselves out of the control panel. The switches and buttons all broke off and reassembled themselves as a pistol which she snatched immediately.
She spun around and stood up, then shot the last standing Hybrid in the neck almost immediately, with impeccable aim, a bolt of electricity shooting out of the gun instead of the bullet, wrapping around his neck and shocking him until he collapsed onto the ground motionless.

We all stood up and walked around the room looking at the destroyed and somewhat left equipment. Apparently while NecroHybrids were still monsters, a few were still intelligent enough to be making weapons and the such. Or...maybe they were guarding something and just scavenging. I dont know.

I turned around and faced everyone in the group before grinning. I clicked on the holographic map in the watch and smiled at them. "Were here." I said quietly. "Just past that door is our way off of here. Or that's what it says. Are we all ready to go and do this?" I asked.

They all nodded in return and I paused before speaking. "Once we do this, theres no going back. You know that right guys? And once we pass this door, we're fighting the whole way until we leave."

Memphis walked up to me and held the back of my neck while looking at me. "Rhent. We're ready baby. We didnt come this far to quit now. And plus, all the pain and suffering we've dealt with would be for nothing." She whispered quietly. "Let's do this."

And with that, I nodded, kissing her and turning around to the door. I tightened my vest and gloves, as well as my gauntlet and looked at the door before opening it. But what laid behind it was a true shock for us all.

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