Chapter 47: Spicy Senoritas

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As we make our way back through the market and the massive crowd, I suddenly hear a screaming and yelling. Obviously I wasnt the only one as everyone else in the group had froze and stood in place like stones too.

I quickly identified that yell as the scream of Memphis and I got extremely worried for a second. Then I realized that it was Memphis, and this, was not a worried scream. This was a very pissed off scream, and she was not having it today.

All four of us rushed to her only to be stopped dead in our tracks right where we stood. Memphis and Rayven were fighting a bunch of Hybrids, and they were winning. By a lot.

One hybrid came at Memphis who took a step back and threw her hand forward in the air, sending the man flying back into a wall. One of the other guys came after Rayven, who touched his gun, which then disassembled itself. She then kicked him in the shin and did a roundhouse kick nailing him in the face.

A big wolf hybrid was coming after Memphis, foaming at the mouth, but he didnt anticipate what she did next. As a matter of a fact, no one did.
He got on all fours and came pummeling after her, but the second he decided to jump, Memphis used her telekinetic powers to rip a pole out of one of the market vendors huts, and then plunged it into the underside of the Hybrids head as he fell towards her, letting it stab out of the top and the rest of his body dangle there and slip down.

While that was happening Rayven was busy on her own with weapons she had made. She had a little cylinder about the size of a phone in her hand and was fighting two tiger like men. As they were both on either side of her, they went to bite her and she slipped down, held the cylinder sideways and pressed a button on it and turned it into an electric, six foot staff, spiked at the end, which plunged through both of their mouths as she was crouched down between them. She stood up and kicked both of them off before throwing it to Memphis, who in turn, used her powers and flung it into two more men, turning them into the equivalent of a Hybrid kabob.

Finally Memphis climbed up the side of a building and jumped down into a group of about four bear-men and, using her powers, as she landed, she used her telekinesis to send them all flying into the windows of nearby buildings, as you do.

Finally she and Rayven stood up and walked over to us. "Hey Honey." She said, brushing her black and red hair out of her face. Rayven shook a little dirt out of her blue short cut hair as well. "We just had a um. Kinda like a run in, with a few guys, you know. Anyways, Cyrus, and Atlas are back at the hotel. What's up?"
She asked as if she didnt just destroy like five men.

Slowly Halcyon walked up and touched her arm, followed by Rayvens healing them both in a matter of literally seconds as she had done to us in the past.

"Um nothing much.." I said looking past her at the dead men. "We got freedom from the Emperor and we're getting ready to leave. For good."

She nodded and smiled as I grabbed her waist and soon, We all headed to our separate rooms to pack up, Memphis following me to mine.
We waited a day to relax and recover.
The next day we started packing everything I sighed looking at my gauntlet. I unwrapped it and took my clothes off, walking to the shower. As I turned it on, I let my head rest against the wall, my powers relaxing as well. My arms became tendrils of dark green, semi solid liquid, hanging by my side. Slowly the liquid made it's way up my side and eventually up my neck, hardening and softening again.

Memphis walked in and massaged my back as we both cleaned ourselves and I massaged her as well. We walked out and stared at each other, her behind me in the mirror. As we dried off, I pulled on my jeans and a dark grey t shirt. I looked down sadly at my gauntlet and examined it some. The silver of it has faded some and the blue swirls on both sides have as well.

I flung my wrist and caused the blade to shoot out, barely glowing. As I shook my head I flicked my wrist again, the blade once again slipping back into its place.
I tightened it back onto my wrist again and pulled on some black gloves as well. Finally I slipped on my hidden bladed boots and strapped on a vest, covering it all with my Wasteland trench coat.

I turned and looked at Memphis smiling softly, putting my head to hers and giving her a soft kiss. I grinned before baring my now permanent fangs and laughing.

I looked at her before grabbing my backpack and she grabbed hers. "You ready to do this?" I asked her quietly, smiling.

She nodded. "Yea. I'm ready. This is our one shot off and out of here, and even if we wanted to stay, we cant. We have to prove those who sent us here wrong." She said with determination.

Ready as we could be, We left the room and headed up to Rayven and Kais, who were both ready as well. They were both packing and smiling as well. Her deep, dark blue hair was now about shoulder length and straight like it was before. It just got longer than her typical pixie cut, though it was still full of thick straight hair. Kai looked about the same, the only difference he had was a slight scruff like mine, his medium length blonde hair over the side still the same.
"Hey Rayven, um could you do something about this? Its a bit worn and burnt out. I just really want it to be ready for when we actually go." I said handing her the gauntlet.

She smiled and nodded, grabbing it and a few pieces of metal. She attached the metal and some light blue light flowed through her hands and past her fingertips onto the gauntlet.
I watched in awe as it floated and the silver and blue lit up and became as vibrant as when I first found it, and the shooter for small blades on the underside became slimmer, almost as if she had moved metal and made the gauntlet even better, without ever touching it.

She handed it back to me and I put it back on, tightening it once again and grinning with how well it fit. "Thank you so much Rayven." I said as I gave her a hug.

"Of course." She said. "By the way, I made the crossbow better too. I also made a few bombs of sorts and you know, my own little staff."
She smiled and walked over to Kai, who was equally as equipped as me. The only difference was he didnt have a trench coat and instead opted for his leather jacket and the crossbow instead of my gauntlet.

As we walked out we went up to Atlas and Zekes and finally, Cyrus and Halcyons. We all checked in, made sure we were ready, and made our way down. We may have waited a day, but we were wasting no time getting out of here.

I went to the Emperors hidden empire and met Diecl at the door. "Hey, were ready. Show me the goods." I said smiling.

He smiled, using his hand to comb his full, pitch black, medium hair to the side. His red eyes twinkled with a soft glow as he spoke. "Alright. Follow me then, champions." He said speaking to me and Kai. We smiled at each other following him, ready to enter the Weaponry, both of us excited as could be. We followed walking through tunnel after tunnel, going down stairs and to the left, then to the right. We walked for a while until we hit two solid black and  intricate red designed doors.

Diecl turned to us and bowed smiling. "Gentlemen, The Weaponry." He said as he opened the door, allowing us to walk into what just might have been, the most awesome room on Nexanveer.

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