Chapter 4: You Killed Her, Dude!

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I swear when I saw what Kai was doing I had an internal Panic attack. I caught my breath and looked at him wide eyed. "Kai! What the hell?! What are you doing? I thought we were gonna save her?!" He put the knife down, looked at me and paused for a split second and said "Remember my gift? What I said earlier? This is me being myself." My head was spinning and I just looked at him dumbfounded. "You killed her dude!"

Kai sighed and he ignored me as he put his hand around her throat and on top of her heart as he closed his eyes for a second. When he opened them once again his eyes were purely white with no gray and his tattoos had seemed to be moving while his hands turned ghostly pale. He gasped and shoved hard on her body and she shook and jerked a second, then he slowly moved his hands away and I watched In awe as her neck which had been slit, healed up, and her wounds stitched shut.

Kai's eyes suddenly went back to grey and his hands regained color and he slumped in the chair against the wall. "Whew!" He said. "Been a long time since I've done that! If I don't do anything like that for a while, it can be draining. Kinda like exercising or working out ya know?" He said, as if he hadn't just killed a girl and raised her from the dead. He smiled and grabbed a water bottle from his backpack and chugged it all and sprayed what was left on his head and back. Then he noticed me looking at him and laughed a little.

I paused and sat down across from him on the other side of the table watching the girls body rise and fall with each living breath she took. I stared at Him and took a breath myself. "So. You uh, kill people, to," I paused, "raise them from the dead?" I asked, raising my eyebrow higher than I thought humanly possible.
He made a face as if he was thinking and then nodded his head, "Yea, basically, except I don't always kill them. Sometimes they're already dead, and usually I can just heal their wounds a bit. But I have to be in practice and doing it already, like I said."

I looked at her and back at him. "So...what happened with..her?" I asked. He studied her for a bit and then said, "She had blood clogging her lungs and a crushed windpipe. She was slowly suffucating and choking, not to mention all the cut wounds from whoever was over there." He said gesturing to the person I had tied up.

"By the way, did we ever figure out who our guest is? Our...mystery date?" I chuckled a bit at this and sighed. "No, I was a bit concerned with you slitting this girls throat." "Understandable." He said. I walked over to our "mystery date" and lifted the head up so it was leaned against the wall. "Well," I said. "Why don't we find out who we invited for dinner?"

I lifted the helmet off of the persons head and then gave it to Kai. The only thing left was a mask for I guess thermal. It was a little chilly on this ship I suppose. I slowly began to pull the mask off and both of our jaws dropped at what was revealed. Underneath the mask was another girl with long blonde hair and long eyelashes. She had a very defined yet smooth jaw line and cheek bones, making her look like some kind of swedish supermodel. "She looks like a Russian supermodel." Said Kai in awe behind me. I laughed at this and slowly backed away from her As she was still asleep.

I looked at Kai and shrugged my shoulders as I looked back at her. "I don't know what to do man." I said. "She did try to kill that girl, but now that shes here I don't want to kill her. Its not the fact that she's a girl either, she might know something." Kai paused and then smiled and looked at me. "Speaking of things with girls, what's the deal with you and Memphis?" He said laughing.

I closed my eyes and let my head rest against the wall and let out a deep breath slowly. "So it's that obvious, huh?" I asked. He stopped laughing but was still smiling as he looked at me. "That obvious? Are you serious?" He asked still smiling. "Dude its very obvious she wants you and I'm pretty sure you want her, but I've known her for a while. To the normal eye, it might not be. But to me? Oh yea."
"I don't know dude, I mean, we barely even know each other." He looked at me for a second with an almost slightly worried look on his face.

"True, but still. We're gonna be here for a while. She's also just really flirty. She was to Zeke too when they first met. But you? This is different. Get to know her man. And I do mean her, not her body." He said laughing once again.  "Okay, okay. I will. I'll see what happens, but until then, I've gotta go see what's left of this ship. And I've gotta see where she came from." I said gesturing towards the unconscious supermodel.

Kai looked at me. "Best take her armor, and definitely her gun." I nodded quickly in definite agreement.
I took off her gloves and boots first slipping them on, and then i took the pads off of her pants and shirt and the vest she was wearing. Before I headed out I looked over at the lab across from this one and opened the door to it, turning on the lights and lighting it up. I turned and looked back at Kai and pointed at the other lab behind me. "Hey, you could probably work these up and make them yours while I'm gone. She had like some kind of receiver so use that to contact me. I'll be back soon." I said. He nodded his head and with that I put the helmet on and heard down the hallway of darkness.

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