I'll only be a few seconds

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We all chug down another round of drinks, letting out a loud sigh as we finish.

Calum was sitting beside me, technically drooping on the bench with his arm around me as I snuggled close to him. Everyone was laughing at a story that Michael was telling which included a sushi and an elderly woman.

"Hold on Cal I'm going to get food" I whisper into Calum's ear.

"No no no, I-I'll go get it, you j-just stay here" Calum stuttered, he was definitely drunk.

"You can't even get up, I'll only be a few seconds"

"Ok fine" He whined like a little boy, crossing his arms.

I kiss him on the cheek and stand up slowly, trying to balance myself out. Left, right, left, right I thought to myself as I walked through a crowd of people.

"Hey, you're hot" I turn around, trying to focus my eyes on a boy who smelled of alcohol. He had blonde hair, grey eyes and was poorly dressed.

"Uhh Thanks?" I say raising an eye brow.

"Wanna dance?"

"No thanks, I'm here with someone" I turn around and walk away, with a wobble every now and then.

I feel something grab my wrist with a very firm grip.

"Ouch!" I turn around and see the blonde hair boy.

"Come on!" He pulled me close to him.

"Let go of me"

I struggle to get out of his tight pull.

"Come one, I've gotta be way better than who you're here with, gimme a chance"

I smell his breathe that had the stench of alcohol and vomit. I elbow him in the stomach and break free from his hold. I try to run from him.

"HEY! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" He grabs my arm with an even tighter force "No need to play hard to get"

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" I exclaim trying to pull his hands away from my waist.

"Come on kiss me" He forces in a kiss.

"CALUM! CALUM!" I yelp as he pushes me against a wall.

I see a pair of hands grab the revolting teenage male away from me. It was Calum. Calum threw him up against the wall, thrusting his arm against his neck. Everyone stopped what they were doing and turned their attention to us.

"DON'T EVER TOUCH HER AGAIN OR I SWEAR IT'LL BE THE LAST BREATHE YOU'LL EVER TAKE" Calum yells with fury, his eyes were stern and filled with anger.

"Oh really" The blonde boy faintly questioned.

Calum pushes his arm straight into his neck almost cutting of his oxygen, as the boy punches Calum in the face.

Calum tackles him to the ground and starts throwing punches to his face. I throw myself at Calum and pull him back with all my force by his arms.

"Calum! Calum! Stop it!" Calum kept releasing myself from his grip "MICHAEL! LUKE! ASHTON!" I call, while pulling Calum back by his shirt.

In the corner of my eye I see two pairs of hands grab onto Calum's arms, another pair grabbing the collar of the blonde hair boy's shirt. Michael and Luke pull Calum back and Ashton grips onto the other boy's clothing.

"IF YOU SO MUCH AS BLINK IN HER DIRECTION, YOU'LL BE SORRY" Calum points a stern finger at the boy, anger and frustration burn in his eyes.

I run in front of Calum pushing him back as Michael and Luke hold back his arms. Ashton on the other hand dissappeared with the boy.

"Calum, Calum, listen to me" I stare into his eyes.

"He was hurting you Andie! I should have killed him!"

"Cal, shut up" I look at him with a stern look.

"Come on mate, I'm taking you all back to mine" Ashton appears from behind me.

Michael and Luke throw Calum's arms over their shoulders, as his head hangs low. Ashton and I clear the way as we rush to the car.

The boys help him into the car and I slide in after him, putting my arm over him as he lays his head on my shoulder.

After 20 minutes we arrive at Ashton's house. Michael and I help him out of the car. Ashton throws his keys over to Luke, so he can lock the car as Ashton runs to the front door and unlocks it.

It was a challenge to get Calum up the stairs but we did it.

We walk through the doorway into a room of darkness. Ashton flicks the switch to turn on the lights.

"Ok my parents are out for weekend so, Andie and Calum take the spare room and Michael, Luke and I will stay in mine"

Ashton leads us down a dim lighted hallway and into the spare bedroom which was lit by a bed side table lamp.

Michael and I set Calum down on the bed.

"Andie?" Calum questions a he looks at me.

"I'm right here Calum" I reply sitting down next to him.

"Ok well we better hit the sheets, if you need anything just yell" Ashton smiles at us but in his eyes I can see that he was guttered about what happened and same with the boys who were standing next to him.

"G'night guys" Michael and Luke say in sync as they start walking down the hallway and upstairs.

"Ok, well goodnight" Ashton claps his hands together.

"Thanks Ashton" I half smile.

"You're welcome" He smiles as he walks off to join the other two.

I get up off of the bed and close the door. I take off my parka and set it on the hanger which was next the door.


I quickly walk over to Calum and down next to him.


"I-I'm s-sorry for what happened" He turns his head and faces me.

"No, no it was my fault"

"No it wasn't, it was my fault I reacted that way and it's my fault you were even there" He explains as his eyes turn red.




I kiss him on the cheek, I see his eyes light up.

"No biggie" He whispers.

"Let's get to bed"

I throw his arm over my shoulder and walk him to one side of the bed and lift the covers as he sits on the edge and kicks his shoes off.

I walk over the other side, giving out a loud yawn. I kick off my shoes and climb onto the soft bed. I let out a sigh and pull the covers over myself.

Calum shuffles over to me and pulls me closer to his chest. I bury my head into it as he wraps his arms around my waist. He kisses my forehead.

"I love you" He whispers into my ear.

"I love you too"

It's just you and me (5SOS Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now