Great News

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"Hey Andie!" I hear Calum yelling out my name and turn around. 

"Hey!" I stop walking and wave at him.

"You've survived your first week in Sydney! How does it feel?" Calum questions with a smile as we continue walking to 6th period English together. 

"Pretty good! Actually made friends here" I say smiling at the fact that I have actually made a friend at this school. At all of my other schools I was technically the outcast being the new girl and all no one really wanted to talk to me. 

"Awwww Thanks!" He says place his arm around my shoulders. 

"I didn't mean you..." I joked as we began laughing down the hall. 

6th period flew by pretty quickly, Calum and I couldn't stop staring at a green piece of something in Mr Lapelle our english teacher's teeth. 

"Andie, you wanna come over tomorrow? Do that english assignment?" Calum asks me as we walk across the school carpark. 

I was startled by the question, but I did need help with the assignment "Umm Yeah sure... What time?"

"Oh really?! Cool! Umm at 11-ish?" 

"Ok cool I'll text you later!" I say as we stop at the front gate. 

"Later Gator!" Calum punches my arm softly and walks in the opposite direction. 


I unlock my house door and kick off my converse and hook my bag on a hanger behind the door.

"Daaad?! Where are you?" I shout as I walk into the kitchen to look for food. 

"Right here!" He pops out from the otherside of the kitchen counter and scares me. 

"OH MY !!!!!!!! DAD! What have I told you about scaring me after school?!" I slightly shout holding my hand to my heart. 

"I know, I know you said not to do it! Buuuuuut I have great news honey!" He walks over to me and gives me a hug. 

"And this news would be?" I laugh as I pull away from him.

"How would you like it if I said you can sleep over a friends house on the weekend because I'm going to be on a business trip!" 

I was shocked. He usually never lets me sleep over at a friends house because he's scared to be home alone. 

"Wait... Really?! Are you getting a fever?" I say pressing the back of my hand to his forehead to see if he had a temperature.

"Yes I'm being serious! Anybody!"

"Even a guy?" I ask quietly.

"WAIT ?! A boy????" He gasps and his eyes flip wide open "Do you like this boy?" 

"No! No Dad! He's like the only person who I can actually talk to at this school! We are going to work on this english assignment together" 

"Hmmm... Well I'll have to meet him first... But I have some more special news!" 

A sigh of relief fell over me. I mean I don't like Calum, he's just a friend! Yes he is good looking but he's like a brother to me. Calum is strictly a friend. I blanked out and forgot my Dad was talking to me.

"Umm Andie?" 

"Oh yes Dad! The special news?" 

"Umm.. I don't know how you're going to feel about this but... I've started dating"

"REALLY?! I'm so happy for you Dad! Time to find you that special man and time to forget about Mum!"

"Now don't say that sweetie, if I hadn't met your Mum I wouldn't have gotten you!" He placed his arm around my shoulder and gave me a tight squeeze. 

"Yes yes... I'm proud of you Dad" 

"I love you Andie" 

"I love you too Dad"

"Ok well I better pack a bag for the weekend" Dad says as he wipes a tear from his eye.

"Ok, I'll go text my friend" 

I open the pantry and take out a packet of sea salt chips and skip to my room. I get my laptop off of my bedside table and jump onto my bed. I open the packet of chips and start eating. I open my laptop and start watching the latest episode of '2 Broke Girls'. I decide to call Calum and tell him about what happened. 

"You serious Andie?" He said with a surprised tone of voice "I thought your Dad didn't let you stay over other people's houses?"

"I know! But all of a sudden he's happy! He's less uptight because he has finally started dating!"

"Really?! That's cool, but yeah you can stay over tomorrow, don't forget your toothbrush! and all of your other umm... lady needs..." 

"Haha! Really funny Calum, ok see you tomorrow, bye" I laugh at him as I eat a chip.

"Yeah yeah, just making sure, later" 

Hi again! 2 Chapters in one day going pretty good! Just to clear it up Andie's father is gay, just in case that part confused you and if you dont like it I DONT CARE!!!!!! just kidding but yeah... if you're liking this so far feel free to share it all around ! I'll be doing many more chapters later on !!! Thankyou so much for reading this even if you do hate it ... <3xx

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