Ask Mare 2.0

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ASK MARE........PART 2


least favorite song on four and why?

probably Steal My Girl. i like the style of the other songs better and SMG doesnt really fit in with the songs on this album.

i still love it tho

whenever it comes on im like eh but then im like sHE BE MY QUEEN SINCE WE WERE 16

Opinion on bring me the horizon?

I've been meaning to check them out for a while but i haven't gotten to it yet. My best friend is a big fan of them

ZAYN'S HAIR??!!????????!!!

Honestly zayn could do anything with his hair and look hot af.

but I do like his new hair a lot even though i miss his quiff and stubble

What's your favourite movie?

Crazy Stupid Love, How to Train Your Dragon, or Elf

favorite music genre/ band (besides 1D and 5SOS and the 1975)

I guess kinda like a punk rock/ alternetive/ post-hardcore kind of vibe

my other favorite bands are Sleeping with Sirens, Panic at the Disco, 2 Door Cinema Club, and Fall out boy if that gives you an idea

favorite tv shows?

My top 3 favorite shows right now have to be Parks and Recreation, American Horror Story, and Red and Society :))))))

horror movies or nah?



omg omg so he's hella fine. He has short brown hair that swoops down and covers his forehead, and he has rly nice defined features like a nice jawline and cheekbones. nice jawlines SLAY me jfc. and he has a really nice body bc he wrestles and wow. He also has glasses and pulls off that kind of artsy nerdy kinda thing and i love it

what was ur initial opinion of beth and gem?

omg i loved you guys

you came outta no where and commented/voted on my stuff and talked to me and it's like a got a 2 for 1 deal it was great

whats ur ideal guy look like?

Harry Styles

but actually, dream boy would have dark hair with light eyes, tattoos, strong eyebrow game and jawline, and a nice smile

yeah literally harry styles wow

do blond stereo types make u wanna shove a hot dog up someone's booty hole?

it's annoying when people use it against me

I also hate people labeling a perfect girl as having blonde hair bc then guys are always like "No blondes! Brunettes are better!" and it like THANKS!11!!11!!

but actually, every guy i have met has prefered brown hair over blonde lol

would you ever fuck a butt for 1k$?

id fuck harrys butt for free

would you rather suck zayns dick or touch Harry's curls?

Touch Harrys curls bc being that close to him would be such a surreal experience im actually getting really overwhelmed think about that

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