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Y'all I just feel like I need to thank the beautiful thing in life called puberty.

I went through This photo album on my sisters fb when we went on vacation when I was in 8th grade and I was so gross you guys. So I decided to put me on that vacation next to me now and LMAO lemme tell you that shit is funny

There are few things in this life that are TRULY beautiful and puberty lands between like spongebob smut and Harry styles on the list of TRULY beautiful things. And if you know any thing about me, you know that I love Harry Styles and SpongeBob smut with big chunks of my heart, so being between these is big compliment.

I personally hit puberty pretty late and I'm pretty sure I'm literally still going through it so lmao at me.

Like I s2g around 8th grade is when everyone started looking less awkward and grew boobs but that shit didn't happen for me until mid-sophomore year(which I think might be bc I didn't get my period until then?? Is that tmi idk. At this point nothing in this rant book is off limits I might as well tell you my social security number) but yeah after that point I got a lot less awkward and my change from freshman to senior year not only physically, but mentally is actually insane. (For instance my GPA got hella better, and also my 34B boobs to 34DDD LMAO)

I just wanted to let all y'all know there is HOPE. I'm still not a perfect 10 but like at least I'm not gross any more and I have nice eyebrows and winged eyeliner !!!!! Like I know a lot of you are in middle school aka the worst years of ur life and if u are an awkward squash like I am just look forward to this lovely thing that makes u a little less of an awkward squash!!!

Although I s2g these days some of you middle schoolers are skipping the awkward stage and don't even need puberty which makes me mad

Like that's not fair take off ur trendy Pacsun clothing and perfectly done makeup and go through the awkward "too-thick eyeliner and weirdly layered Justice clothing" stage like the rest of uS

Like when I was in middle school I used to wear my sisters (she's 7 years older than me) shoes that were 4 sizes too big and the thing is that I would wear two pairs, one was a pair of purple polka dot converse and the other was yellow polka dot, but I would wear one of eaCH. Because for SOME REASON I thought it looked cute to wear different over-sized shoes to school like ok.

I also used to change the colors of rubber bands on my braces depending on the holiday that was happening that month. Like Christmas I would get red and green rubber bands hahahahaha. But tbh I would probably still do that if I had them today

I also rotated between 2 sweatshirts (one which had a grease stain on it) basically the entirety of 6th grade so there was that

This suddenly became a rant of me reminiscing about awkward me but that's ok

I also didn't realize that you piss out of hole that's not your vagina till high school I didn't realize anything I was so dumb some of y'all are so smart

Like my friend Beth on here like apparently is in like 6th or 7th grade (I forget I'm sry Beth ily) but she writes like a frICKEN PROFESSIONAL AUTHOR. When I was that age I literally would literally write like a fucking 5 year old child.

Idk this rant wasn't even a thing I made no sense u guess I'm just saying I love puberty and if you guys are young and going through an awkward stage, IT GETS BETTER DONT YOU WORRY MY CHILDREN

-Mare :)xx

School is starting to get to the part where literally I don't care anymore and no one does bc it's 4th quarter and I'm a SENIOR

but idk if y'all remember me talking about Hamlet boy but my crush is still going strong. I keep feeing like I don't like him anymore but then he'll walk into class with kaki pants and a nice button up shirt and FUCK

we got put into a group for a long term project and we have actually been communicating as like humans and talking about real human things and usually my crushes don't go past saying like hi so this is PRETTY INTENSE

Also my prom is pretty soon and I'm pretty excited for it but more specifically my after prom bc that's where shits at!!!

Just a lil life update bc I miss talking to u guys what the heck

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