Caitlyn Jenner + Protest Update??

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(lol 1/12/17 update- i actually really don't like caitlyn jenner this was when this news was FRESH and she was being awesome and inspiring, but she's kind of an asshole so i don't like her anymore. ALSO i realize now that she is conservative and a republican, but like, not many people knew that at the point this came out. most people don't assume a transgender person would be consevative or against gay marriage... like that just doesn't go together ya know)

I feel as though everyone has expressed their opinion on Caitlyn except me!!! Which is funny bc i don't believe Caitlyn has asked for any of y'alls rude ass opinions!!!! @ConservativeCloseMindedDickChodes

Basically my opinion is that she looks fucking bomb as hell holy SHIT.

she seems so content with who she is, and if you have a problem with someone changing their gender to make THEMSELVES happy, you need to revaluate your life decisions

And although many men are saying how gross she is, there are plenty of men who think she looks hot and have already commented about her looks in a degrading way!!! So glad they're accepting her as now a female who is beneath them now!!!!

My English class is full of conservative assholes and i cannot explain how difficult it was to go to that class the day after Caitlyn introduced herself. First off, they all referred to her as 'him' :)))))))) and secondly, one of the kids literally said "God made you as a boy, so you should stay a boy" :)))))))))))))

you know what!!!! he's right! Guys, don't change ANYTHING about yourself anymore bc you need to be how GOD made YOU!!!!

Born blind or deaf???? DOn't you daRE go throUgh treatMent!!! god WANTS you tO be BlinD and DeaF!!!!! He made u tht wAy!!!! whO careS iF u AcciDentAlly WalK off a cLifF or soMETHing!!!!

Were u born without a limb maybe???? DonT u DARE get a prosthetic!!!!!!! God WANTS u to be hoppiNG around alL the TimE!!!!!! He made u with NO leg 4 a reASON!@!!!!

But on a lighter note, although i have seen a lot of hate, the amount of support towards Caitlyn overwhelms it.

I'm so glad that our society is forming into a more accepting society, and im glad caitlyn is now someone who other trans kids can look up to along with Laverne and Leelah.

(SIDE NOTE: i would like to take this moment to express that Laverne Cox is actually one of the most beautiful human specimens to have walked this planet. also OITNB comes out soon my body is readY)

I could go on for another 500 words about how being yourself and accepting people is important but i feel like i repeat the same thiNgS. Just go look at one of my 583984 want-to-be motivational rants

I think im just so over close-mided assholes like


okay so as of NOW the school protests are over bc the new schedule test week ended last friday! Most people were not there Friday bc it was the day after senior the prom so no protests were held, but there was one thursday!

Since we were yelled at for the "dangerous" lunch line protest, the Thursday protest was simply a blackout.

Everyone who was against the protest wore all black and administration was sent a letter explaining why we were protesting and that everyone involved in the protest would be wearing all black.

many people participated which is gr9!! (although some ppl thought just wearing leggings with a non-black shirt counted as participating??????)

it was funny tho bc in that morning the junior class got called into a last minute assembly with our principle to ask questions about the new schedule.(she just tryna convince us to not do another lunch protest) it was funny bc she answered 1 question then got flustered bc she didn't have a good answer and said "this is not a forum" and ended the assembly lmao

she had an assembly to answer our questions and answered onE.

ALSO since the protest was really large, some students actually got in touch with News 12 New Jersey???? They got in contact with a few juniors and actually said they were going to send a crew over and sent a few students emails confirming interviews for the news channel???

it didn't ending up happening tho bc our school somehow got in touch with them and explained that it wasn't a story worth writing about lmao ok school u lying ass hoes (im salty)

oh also, this freshman wrote an article about it and sent it into CNN and it got published?? this could have been awesome, but it was so terribly written and made us sound like whiney illiterate kids i h8 him. There were literally 0 commas, like 3 spelling errors, and no capitalization??? Why did CNN let it get published?????


I would link the article but #1 its terribly written and #2 i would prefer to keep my school location confidential.

But as the end of our protests came, we felt as though we made the lunch ladies overwhelmed because of our lunch line protest (they ran out of food which has never happened in the history of my school) so we wrote thank you notes to them and some of them started crying bc they didn't think we appreciated them im so emO

it was so cute and they said they weren't mad at all pls thank ur cute lunch ladies/men

-Mare :)xx

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