Unpopular Opinons??

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Yo yo yoey it's mare up in the house (just considered making a new intro bc this is lame but it's funny so imma leave it)

I thought maybe it would be cool to list some things where my opinion tends to differ compared to the majority of the population

This is like a low-key tag. If you wanna do it you can, either in your book or on your message board idk. I just think it would be cool to see everyone's opinions on random shit

(It's low-key but I high-key want you to do it)

Tag me in it if you want me to see it!! As I have said before, wattpad can be shitty sometimes so if I don't acknowledge that you did it, it's because i didn't get a notification that you did!

So without further adieu, here are my unpopular opinions


Reese's peanut butter cups are gross idc

The peanut butter is so sweet and the chocolate is shitty with it I don't get y people like theM

candy isn't even that good to me anymore. I only eat like plain chocolate and Almond Joys i feel like a 50 year old lame dad idk

Fools Gold is one of my least fav songs on FOUR

Everyone loves this song but tbh I don't like it that much. I have a version on my phone where someone made the backtrack a piano and it's so prettY, but i don't like the original that much idk

Lana del Rays music isn't even that great

She's v v pretty and seems chill, but her music is kinda boring and every song sounds the same to me.

*was going to mention that I can't understand what she's saying in her songs but realizes that The 1975 is one of my fav bands and matty sound like he's speaking gibberish 50% of the time* lmao

Young and Beautiful is a quality song tho I'll give her that

The song chandelier is so annoying to me

It makes me want to jump from a chandelier

Sia? More like SIA later

I'm just kidding she seems like a very nice lady I just wanted to make a pun

Harry looks better with his long ass locks

Ppl be missing TMH Harry hair but I think he is in hair prime rn

Like I look back on pics of him with short hair in THM tour and it's so weird to me that it was ever that short

although TMH Harry was so aggressive and i miss thaT SM, ughhhh yasS when he did the punch the aiR THING HE WAS SO AGGRESSIVE. im getting off track and flustered lets move on

I don't find Benedict cumberbatch attractive

This is like a 50/50 opinion ive noticed, but I don't find Benidick Cuminherass attractive idk.


Baths are ok for about 1 minute then I get too hot and uncomfortable and feel like I'm bathing in my own dirt

Nirvana is overrated sry not sry


Kurt Cobain wasn't overrated tho i love him omf

He's was the fucking man s/o to you Kurt Cobain I respect you RIP

Frozen is not even close to one of the best movies Disney has made

I loved frozen but I'm sick of everyone like "it's the first girl power movie!!"


"It's the first Disney movie about sisterly love, not a man"


it had one of the best soundtracks, but the plot i feel like wasn't as amazing as everyone thinks. the characters were very perfect looking and they all looked the same and i like unusual looking characters idK

Most of the artists/ bands from the past aren't "so much better" than today

all because they're old and people think they're "cool to like", doesn't make them actually better. Music is just different, it changed.

i think One Direction is better than The Beatles lmao idc. I like 1d's music more (I do like the beatles music just not as much), the beatles aint even that great live, plus John Lennon was an abusive father and husband so bye

Elvis? Abusive and cheated on his wife like ok. I do like his music, but I don't get why people ignore the fact that he was a massive dickwad

-Mare :)xx

When Little Mix shaded Harry lmao. idc, if they don't want to date him i wilL

pls don't send hate to them!!!! Especially not body hate!!!! im a lil salty at them saying he's a player but h8 is not the answer!!!!

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