Q&A hey hey hey

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okay so a pretty good amount of people were like yeah!! Q&A!!!! and then a good amount of people just voted on the chapter but im just gonna take the votes as a "yeah! we want a Q&A mare!!" 

just remember that this is literally no boundaries lmaoo. like there have been a few questions in the past that i haven't answered bc im like uh nah that a lil too personal but im noT DOING THAT THIS TIME

so yeah anything you wanna ask about like college/camp/boys/high school/advice in general/deep personal shit and controversial shit idk

will i regret this? probs

oh unless you're like "what's you home address" or "whats your credit card number" then no i won't answer that ya dick

it doesn't have to be personal af tho is u wanna know what my fav song is rn or what my fav season is  or how may dicks i can fit in my mouth a 1 time that's chill too

okay ask away thx

-Mare :)xx

i was reading an old Ask Mare before this and was laughing bc my answers for like everything would change. especially for like fav bands and fav celebs and that area like i had FOB as one of my fav bands but besides like SWGD i haven't listened to one of their songs in MONTHS whoops

i also had Beyonce as one of my favs in one of the Q&As but i don't even like beyonce lol. sorry to everyone who like worships her dont come murder me thx

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