Reacting to my First fic- Chapter 8

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(warning!!!! this chapter contains talk of sexual assault and may be triggering)

Harry's POV 

I haven't seen Niall in about a half hour so I guess him and Tatum are having a real grand time!  I roll my eyes and throw out my empty beer bottle grabbing another one form the cooler. I don't know how many I've had but I don't really care right now. I go back to my spot on the counter and lean against it, sipping my beer. (someone get this boy some sugar damn #salty)

The music is still booming through the house but the beer has muffled the sound a little which I am thankful for. (*shoves beer cans into ears*)

"Ah, there he is." I think I hear someone say as they walk into the kitchen. I try to focus on who it is but eyes won't let me focus on anything. He gets closer and I realize who it is. Liam.

"Liam! My main man. Whats cracking?" I say slurring my words more than I thought I was going to. (LMAO can we talk about how I was SO FUCKING bad at keeping Harry's 'bad boy' facade)

He laughs for some reason and pats my shoulder, "Looks like someone has been drinking more than usual."

"No!" I respond defensively, "I've only had like 3 beers - or maybe it was 7." (LMAO ME) I say deep in thought trying to recall how many times I walked back to the cooler.

"Anyway, how have things been Haz? We haven't really talked since your mom..." His words would usually bring up a familiar pain in my chest, but right now, I'm way too drunk for my mom to ruin my buzz.

"I know, I'm sorry man. Why don't we hang out this week? Monday or Tuesday?"

"I'm not sure we should make plans right now considering you will probably cancel them when you get sober again." He says with a smug look on his face. "I can't do those days anyway." (ok me af. When I wrote this I was basically Tatum but reading it back, I'm Harry asf)

"What's more important than hanging out with your old bud Harry?" I say with a pout.

He rolls his eyes at my pout, "I have football tryouts on Monday, and on Tuesday I'm tutoring Tatum."

"Of course," I say putting my empty beer bottle on the counter. "You're fucking Tatum too?" (Tutoring = hardcore porn kinda sex obviously)

"What?!" he says taken back "Harry, I literally talked to her twice in calculus, I'm just tutoring her. You know how I feel about Rachel anyways." He says as his face reddens at the thought of her. (finally, someone addressing the fact that they actually barely know Tatum bc ya know, she's been at that school for 5 SECONDS (of summer? hah!))

"You still like her? It's been what...9 months now? How have you not made a move yet?"

He sighs and joins me against the counter, "I don't know man, she's so intimidating with her crazy curly hair and adorable dimples."

"You're the nicest guy I know Liam, I'm sure she would love to go out with you," I say nudging his side. (ugh what a fucking bad boy im so turned on)

"I think I like drunk Harry," He says nudging me back. " I really miss you, man." (aw)

I nod and smile at him. I really miss Liam too. I know I would never admit this sober, but I really do. He tried to comfort me when my mom left but I would just ignore him. Then when my dad went to jail I completely cut off contact with him, and well everyone. I even ignored my aunt who came to watch over me when my dad was gone. He's back now, but with who he is now, I would rather him be in jail than home. 

God I get so sappy when I'm hammered.

I go to take another gulp from my beer, but it's empty. I frown at the bottle and throw it out before grabbing another one. When I walk back to Liam he takes it from my hand and places it next to him handing me his cup of water. (Liam u angel)

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