Reacting to my first fic- chapter 5

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I see a smirk creep up on Harry's face and I am not able to control the grin that comes on mine.

He pulls out of the school and starts driving towards the direction of my house. I can't help but admire him as he drives. His eyebrows furrow in concentration causing a slight crease between them. His cherry lips are formed into a straight line and his jaw is relaxed. His always amazing green eyes are focused on the road while his finger is tapping to an imaginary beat. ( I remember being so proud of this paragraph when I wrote it it ain't even good tbh)

"You have a staring problem Ms. Knight." He teases me. (EVERY FANFIC THE FUCKING STARING PROBLEM LINE)

"Don't be full of yourself, I just spaced out and you happened to be in my line of sight." I lie.

"Mhm." He chuckles as he arrives at my house.

"Thanks for driving me home, I appreciate it." I tell him as I open the door and step out.

"No need to thank me, I kind of owe it to you, see you later Tatum" he says with a cheeky smile. (Literally every time I read "cheeky smile" my mind goes to butt cheeks and i imagine someones butt cheeks smiling)

I close the door and wave goodbye before I walk into my house.

I go straight to the bathroom quickly throwing my hair in a bun (I'm laughing I thought it was gonna say "I go straight to the bathroom quickly throwing up") and grabbing a couple aspirins to try to make this throbbing headache go away. (I feel like putting your hair up would make the headache worse bc of the pressure of pulling ur hair back??? she should have just left it down but I guess I just HAD to make her wear the typical fanfic bun)

"Tate?" I hear Luke call from the kitchen

"Yeah it's me." I say as I walk in to the kitchen to greet him.

"Where were you?" he asks with curiosity in his voice.

"No where really, something just came up after school. nothing to worry about lukey."

I decide not to tell him about the fainting incident. He overacts and scares himself over tiny things so it's best if he doesn't know.

I feel my phone vibrate in my back pocket so I pull it out to check who texted me.

From Kylah: Hey, how are you feeling?

-Eh, I have a headache but I took some aspirin so it should be ok in a little. Are we still on for the diner?

If you are!

-Yeah I should be ok by then. (yeah it's fine my possible concussion will heal within a couple hours bc that's how those things work)

k! I'll pick you up at 6 then, see you then :)

I look at the time and it's 5 so I have an hour to relax.

I end up going over the Calculus PowerPoint Mr.Turner told us to go over in class, since I understood none of it when me and Liam went over it.

After 30 minutes of trying to understand the PowerPoint I give up and decide to read up to chapter 3 in The Kite Runner instead.

By the time I finish the chapter it's 5:50 so I quickly fix up my make-up and throw on a navy sweatshirt and yoga pants before Kylah gets here. My headache is still present, but it isn't nearly as bad as it was before. I also don't think I have concussion, so that's good. (DIDNT REALIZE YOU HAD YOUR PHD, DR. KNIGHT) (lowkey tho I added this in bc I didn't feel like incorporating a concussion into the story) I finish up getting ready and right on cue I hear Kylah's car honk from outside.

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