his little girl

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Cole and Lili are married in this. They have a 16 year old daughter called Ella.

[Lili's PoV]

"Hey, how was your evening with Emma, sweetheart?" I asked Ella as she just walked into our living room.

"It was alright." she said being a little unhappy. She flopped onto our couch next to Cole who started rubbing her back and asked "What happened?"

She sighed. "Just a little argument. That's it." she said shortly.
"Oh I'm sorry, love." I began. "Grab some candy and watch Tv with us." I suggested.

She nodded and snuggled right into Cole's Arms. He smiled gently. She's still his little girl, even though she's about to be an adult soon.

She took out her phone as it starts to vibrate. I saw that the Caller ID says 'Babe'.
Wait. Who is that? Does she have a boyfriend? Why didn't she tell us?

"What's up? Who's that?" I asked curiously as she stood up and was about to walk upstairs into her room.
She just ignored the question and answered the call with "Oh hey babe." while running up the stairs quickly.

I gave Cole a confused look.
"Why are you looking at me like this?" he laughed obviously not knowing what I just saw.

"You haven't seen?"
He shook his head in confusion.
"I think our little girl got a boyfriend." I said smiling.

"What?" Cole was clearly shocked. As I said. She is his little girl and she will probably always be no matter how old she is. So I think it seems a little weird to him that his little girl is in love.

"Love, don't be upset. She can't be your little girl forever. She's 16." I laughed putting my hand on his thigh, rubbing it lovely.

"But she's only 16" he says, emphasizing the 'only'.

"Only?" I laughed "So you're telling me that you weren't in love at that age?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Well. I fell in love but she didn't with me. I mean. Look at the 16 year old me. I literally looked like I'm nearly 10." he laughed, making me smile as well.

"I can't understand how she didn't fall in love with you." I giggled kissing him softly on the lips, making him chuckle.

"I'm gonna talk to Ella, be right back." I said standing up and walking up into Ella's Room.

As I slowly opened the door I see my beautiful daughter lying in bed, listening to some music.

"Heyy." I said quietly.
She looked up to me and smiled a little. She seemed to feel a bit nervous.

I sat next to her on the bed and stroked her arm.
"Is there anything you need to tell us?" I smirk.

She nodded. "I'm sorry I haven't told you but.. I have a boyfriend. His name is Jack. I really like him Mom."

"That's amazing. I'm happy that you're happy. Why don't you invite him for dinner once?" I kissed her on the forehead.

"Yes that would be amazing. He would really love that.. but...is dad mad?" she asked worriedly.

"Well.. a little. But that doesn't matter. As long as you're happy. And I mean. You can't be his little girl forever."

"Right." she smiled, resting her head on my shoulder.

Oh, what a beautiful daughter Cole and I have created.


Okay so. My first chapter. I've thought about doing an one shot book for a while and well. There you go hahaha. I really love the fact that I can randomly start writing about Lili & Cole whenever I get a new idea without thinking about if it fits to the storyline. I'm really excited to see how it's gonna turn out. I really hate this chapter but I needed a simple idea for my first one shot. It's gonna be better I promise. And also I'm not english so sorry for my grammar, spelling whatever mistakes <3

Oh! And requests are always open. In case you got an idea what my next oneshot should be about then just drop it here & I'll try to create a chapter about it <3

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