9. Soft Side?

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I woke up the next morning and groaned as I remembered the events from last night.

I picked up my phone to check if my parents had called or sent a message and they had. And, so had a few others.

I had a message from my mom saying 'Goodnight. We love you.'

I also saw a message from Scott, so I decided to open it.

'You must've ran off because I couldn't find you when I came back. Anyways I just wanted to say that I had fun with you yesterday.'

I smiled at the message and decided to reply.

'I'm really sorry about that. Something happened and I had to come home. And thanks I had fun with you too (:'

I clicked send and went to check the last message. It was sent recently, like ten minutes before I woke up. And, it was from an unknown number.

It simply read, 'Hey'.

Confused, I sent a text back asking who it was.

I set my phone down and got out of bed. Wondering if Jordan was awake, I went to my parents room, where she was sleeping, to check.

I pushed the door open slowly, but closed it again when I saw she was asleep. I went back to my room and checked my messages.

'It's Austin. Can you meet me outside?'

I hesitantly replied.

'Yeah. I'll be right out.'

I stood up, slipped on some shoes and went outside. Austin was standing outside of his house, but he started walking towards me when he saw me coming out of my house. We ended up meeting halfway which was just a few houses down from mine.

"Hey." He said.

"Hi." I replied.

"I just wanted to make sure that you were okay."

"I'm fine." I replied.

There was a short awkward silence, but I broke it after a second.

"Why'd you get so mad last night?" I blurted.

He shifted awkwardly before answering. "I don't know."

I sighed. "What do you mean you don't know?"

"I don't know, i'm still trying to figure it out myself." He said, his voice growing louder.

"Whatever." I said, rolling my eyes.

He threw his hands up in frustration. "I hate when you do that." He yelled.

"Excuse me?"

"I hate when you say 'whatever', and I hate when you roll your eyes."

"Well, sorry I bother you so much." I crossed my arms.

He sighed loudly. "Sorry." He said, barely audible.

"I'm sorry, what?" I asked. I heard him the first time, I just couldn't believe that he actually apologized for something.

"Sorry." He said louder.

I nodded and decided to ask another question.

"How did you get my number?" I asked.

"I asked Scott for it last night after you left."

"Oh." I paused. "Well, I guess I should probably thank you for what you did for me. If you didn't come when you did, he'd have raped me." I said, chuckling a little.

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