35. Please Wake Up

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"No." I whispered through the tears. Suddenly everything came rushing back to me. Our fight, the guy beating me, me calling Austin for help, him getting shot, all of it. "Is he dead?" I had to ask even though I felt like I already knew the answer.

"No, no. He's not." My dad assured.

I let out a breath. At least he's alive, but there must be something wrong based on the way they're acting.

"So, then what's wrong?" I asked.

"He hasn't woken up since you guys got here yesterday afternoon. The doctor says it's really not looking good for him. I'm so sorry, but he might not make it, Ava." My dad responded sadly. And the tears flowed again.

What if he never wakes up? What if he dies and the last conversation we ever had was a fight. What if he never gets to see his family and friends again. What if, what if, what if. Anything can happen, I just have to think positively and hope for the best.

"I have to see him." I said.

"I don't think the Doctor's will allow it." My mom said.

"Mom, you have to get them to let me visit him. Please!" I pleaded. "I need to see him."

She sighed. "I'll talk to Dr. Cameron." With that, she left the room in search of the doctor and I waited impatiently for her to come back. When she did, she told me I could visit him as long as it was okay with Michele. I went to Austin's room as fast as my bruised body would allow and gently knocked on the closer door. A few seconds later Michele popped her head out.

"Ava? You're okay?" She wrapped her arms around me in a light, gentle hug and I returned the gesture as best I could.

"I'm fine. For the most part." I said, then looked past her into the room.

"I'm guessing you heard about Austin." She sniffled.

"I did. Michele, i'm so sorry."

"Me too." She looked away. She took a moment to regain herself before she spoke again. "Would you like to see him?"

"Only if it's okay with you." I said.

"Sure. Gives me a chance to get something to eat."

"Yeah. Thank you."

She smiled in response and walked away. I took a deep breath before entering the room.

My breath caught in my throat when I saw Austin laying on the hospital bed. It instantly brought tears to my eyes, ones I didn't even bother trying to wipe away. I walked over to him and gently grabbed his hand in mine.

"I'm so sorry." I whispered to him. "This is my fault. I almost got you killed, it's all my fault." I burst into tears.

I feel so guilty. If I hadn't of stormed off, that guy would've never caught me. But no, I overreacted and got him shot because of it. And now, I feel like Michele hates me. I could've gotten her only child taken away from her.

"I'll never be able to apologize enough for what i've done. I remember it all now, and i'm truly sorry. I hope that when you wake up, you can forgive me." I said to him. "If you wake up." I said more to myself than to him. I gave his hand a small squeeze.

"Ms. Maho- oh." Dr. Cameron stopped himself once he realized I wasn't Austin's mom. "Ms. Carter." He smiled, then stopped when he saw me crying. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah, i'm just having a hard time with this."

"I understand." He nodded. "Look, Ava, I hate to kick you out, but I've got to do a few tests and I need the room cleared. Feel free to wait in the hall, though. Shouldn't take long, and then you can come right back in." He smiled.

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