7. Short-Tempered

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* a week later *

• Ava's P.O.V •

I was sitting in English class, my least favorite class of the day. The teacher had assigned us into groups to answer a bunch of questions about a story we recently finished reading. In my group was some girl named Karen, a guy named Derek, and Austin.

As I suspected, Austin wasn't helping at all. It was starting to irritate me because we wouldn't get credit for this assignment unless everyone participated. He just sat there the entire time, not doing a single thing.

"Why don't you help?" I asked him harshly.

"Because I don't feel like it." He said plainly.

"Well I don't feel like doing all the work so your lazy ass can copy it."

"Calm the fuck down, Ava. You're annoying." He spat.

Annoying? Oh hell no. Now he's pissed me off.

I started yelling at him. "Look, I don't know who the hell you think you're talking to, but you better watch it. I'm not one of those people that you get to treat anyway you want. Now, pick up your fucking pencil and start working."

I took his pencil from his desk and threw it at his chest.

He looked at me with pure shock. I looked to the side to find Karen and Derek staring at me with the same expression.

I'm not one to flip out on someone, but this boy drives me crazy.

• Austin's P.O.V •

Damn, she's sexy when she's mad.

"Okay, chill." I threw my hands up in defense. She shot me a glare, but looked back down at her paper and started working.

I picked up the pencil she threw at me and started writing down a bunch of bullshit.

"Alright class, put your names on your paper and leave them in a pile in the middle of your group. I'll pick them up as the bell rings." The teacher announced.

Seconds later, the bell rang and everyone got up out of their seats and left.

I looked around for Ava, but she had already left. I rushed out into the hallway and searched the crowd. I finally found her and almost ran to catch up with her.

I felt kind of bad for what I said, so i'd figured i'd apologize. Or try to anyway. I'm not very good at saying sorry, because it's something I rarely ever do.

"Ava." I called her name.

She didn't turn around.

"Ava." I called a little louder, but she still refused to turn around.

"Stop." I yelled, taking hold of her arm and spinning her around to face me.

"What?" She spat.

"Why are you so mad?" I asked.

"Hm, Austin, I don't know. Maybe the fact that you embarrassed me in front of those kids is why i'm so mad. Or maybe its how you told me I was 'fucking annoying'." She said, putting air quotations around the last part to quote me directly.

"Well, you were bitching at me." I said, growing irritated.

"Because you were just sitting there. I know you don't care about getting your work done, and that's fine, but when it affects my grade, that's not okay." She yelled.

"Why are you such a goody goody? It's not like one assignment is going to fuck up your life." I yelled.

"I'm not a goody goody just because I do my work." She stated.

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