Thank You

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so, not so bad is finally done & honestly i'm really sad. i'm really proud of this story & tbh im pretty attached to it lol. this story did so much better than i thought it would & that's all thanks to you guys! i can't thank you enough for the reads, votes, comments, and messages this story has received. i truly appreciate it & all of you!

there will NOT be a sequel. i feel like it would be pointless and a waste of our time. instead i want to put out my new story, More. the first chapter is out now so you guys can check it out. not sure when i'll be posting the rest but i'll let you know over on that book. i think you'll all like it.

once again thanks for all your support. you've given me a reason to be proud of this story!

make sure to PRETTY PLEASE go back and vote for every chapter. it would really help me & help the book grow. also, make sure you read/vote/comment on my new story More!!! love you all!

--m :)

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