19. Morning After

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• Ava's P.O.V •

I can feel myself starting to wake up, so I force my eyes open, but quickly shut them again due to my killer headache. As i'm trying to recall what happened last night, I realize that i'm wrapped up in someone's arms. I look to the side and find Austin's sleeping face next to me. Then I look down and notice that i'm in what looks to be like one of his shirts.

"Oh, God." I whisper. I hesitantly pull up the sheets to see that he is without a shirt and I am without pants. I take another quick glance at him and find that his hair is a mess. I reach up and touch mine and I can already feel that mine is messy as well.

"No, no, no, no, no." I said quickly. "Shit."

I carefully untangled myself from him, so as not to wake him up and sat on the side of his bed. I was so focused on trying to remember if we did anything, that I didn't even hear him sit up.

"Ava." He said, making me jump. "Don't worry, we didn't." He said, referring to, you know, it.

"Thank God." I let out a sigh of relief. "What the hell happened last night?"

"Long story." He laughed.

"Just tell me." I turned and faced him on the bed.

"Well, you got really drunk, and your friends were trying to get you out of there, but you wanted to come with me so I had Alex drive us here. Then you made me give you piggy back ride and carry you inside while you talked gibberish the whole time, actually the whole night. After that I gave you clothes to change into, and tried to put you in the spare room, but you kept coming to my room so I just let you sleep in here." He explained.

"How embarrassing. I'm so sorry you had to deal with that."

"It wasn't that bad. Just please don't ever drink that much again."

"I won't, trust me." I said. I stood up and walked to the spare room. I grabbed my shorts and slipped them back on, but kept Austin's shirt on. When I finished I went back in his room. "Hungry?" I asked.

"A little." He responded.

"Got anything for breakfast? I'll make it for you for, you know, taking care of me last night." I laughed.

"Ava, you don't have to." He told me.

"I want to."

"At least let me help." He offered.

"No." I turned him down. "I want to do it, so you just stay in here and if you come out of this room and try to help I will literally attack you." I warned.

He threw his hands up in defense. "Got it."

"Good. Now, whatcha got?" I asked again.

"Maybe some eggs and bacon?"

"That'll work." I smiled. I twirled myself around and headed to his kitchen. I searched the fridge and found eggs and bacon like he'd said. I cooked them up, put them on plates, grabbed two forks, and headed back to Austin's room.

"Here's my 'thank you for babysitting drunk me' breakfast treat." I grinned, handing him a plate and a fork.

"Thanks, babygirl."

Again with the babygirl. It might just be the death of me.

"It's the least I could do."

He had the TV in his room turned on to some show I didn't recognize, but I watched it anyways and sat in his bed with him and ate breakfast.

All of a sudden, someone burst into his house and started shouting.

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