40. Not So Bad

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Graduation was a few days ago. I still can't believe i'm done with high school. Oddly, everything that I complained about, I miss. I definitely took parts of it for granted. But overall, high school was great for me. I met a lot of great people, had amazing times, got closer to Jordan and Naomi, and got the chance to fall in love Austin.

Speaking of Austin, he's picked me up for a surprise date because he said he had something he wanted to talk to me about. We're at the small diner that we always come to. I've been begging him for the past five minutes to finally tell me what he has to say.

"Please." I pleaded.

"Fine." He dropped his fry back onto his plate and looked up at me.

"Thank you." I smiled.

"Okay, so you know how we talked about trying the long distance thing while you're at school?" He asked.

My heart about dropped out of my chest. I tried to read his face for signs of what he was going after but his face was completely blank. It scared me. I had a bad feeling that he was going to tell me all this crap about him not wanting to hold me back and thinking we should go our separate ways.

When I told Austin that I wanted to tell him my college decision face to face, it was because I had chosen the school that was hours away. I wanted to move out of this city and explore a new place. I wanted the taste of living on my own. I wanted to meet people and experience life outside of my comfort zone. He said he understood and that he was proud of me for thinking of myself and making the decision for me and not anyone else. Of course he was upset, too, that we'd have to be apart, but we talked about it. He said he was willing to try a long distance relationship so why he was about to spring this bad news on me truly is confusing to me.

"Y-you don't think we can do it?" I asked nervously.

"No, I don't." He replied honestly.

"Austin, we talked. You said you were willing to try."

"Ava, it's not going to work becau-" he started, but I had something to say.

"I can't believe this. We've gotten through so much, but you're going to let distance, of all things, get between us? And, I don't wanna hear all that 'I don't want to hold you back or stand in your way because I love you' crap. We both know that's bullshit. If you really love me you'll try. We won't know that it won't work if we don't try. Please don't throw us away at the snap of the fingers because you're scared of some damn distance. I mean seriously, with the work you do, this is what you're scared of? I mean, I thought you were a 'big scary bad boy'. This is the moment you choose to go soft? Unbelievable." I yelled as quietly as I could, remembering that we're in public.

I just stared at him with the dirtiest look I could muster up, awaiting his response. I expected him to get mad or yell back, but he laughed. He really had the nerve to laugh at me.

"I'm glad this is all a joke to you, Austin." I spat. I made the move to get out of the seat, but Austin reached across the table to stop me.

"I'm coming with you. Long distance isn't going to work because it doesn't have to. I'm coming." He laughed again.

"What?" I whispered. I settled back into my seat to listen to him explain.

"I got a place, an apartment, near your school. Cory even got me a job down there. A real job, in an auto shop with some old friend of his. No more gang stuff. And the best part is, i'll be attending community college there."

"Austin, that's amazing!" I gushed. "I'm so proud of you!"

"Thank you." He smiled.

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