33. Troubles

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• Austin's P.O.V. •

I got a text from Cory saying me and the boys needed to head to the warehouse asap. We're now sitting in the meeting room while we wait for Cory to share his news.

"What's so important?" I asked.

"You guys are going to need to watch your backs. Some gang found out that we got the file & they're planning an attack on us. I don't know when, but you need to stay prepared."

We all sighed and complained in unison. "I thought this shit was over, man." Robert groaned.

"Well, I thought so too, but it's not." Cory irritatedly said.

"So what do we do with the file? Hide it?" Alex asked.

"It's already hidden. I've got men guarding it 24/7."

"Okay, so what do you need us to do?" Zach asked.

"Be on call. I may need you at any time, so be ready." We all nodded, and then we were dismissed.

I decided to stick around and hang out with the guys. The whole time we were hanging around though, I had this feeling like I was supposed to be somewhere. Then I remembered; I had promised to meet Ava at some restaurant.

"Shit." I shot up out of my seat and rushed to the door. "She's gonna be so pissed." I muttered to myself.

"Where are you going?" Zach yelled after me.

"I forgot about something." I replied then made my way out to the car. I drove past the restaurant & didn't see her car there, so I knew she had to have gone home. I rushed to her house and texted her to meet me outside. I knew we were probably going to get into an argument, and i'm really not trying to argue with her when her family's there.

I saw her walk out of the house, and glare at me. If looks could kill, i'd definitely be dead.

"Ava, i'm really sorry." I started.

"I can't believe you, Austin, I waited for you for an hour, and you never showed up." She yelled.


"If you didn't want to hang out, all you had to do was say so. You didn't have to stand me up."

"It's not that I didn't want to, I did. I just got busy and I forgot."

"You forgot?" She rolled her eyes.

"I was working. I didn't mean to forget, Ava, I swear."

"You told me you were done with that." She spat.

"For the moment, yes, that's what we thought, but something came up again." I explained.

She rolled her eyes. "You know what, just go home."

"What is your problem? I'm trying to apologize." I threw my arms up in frustration and she flinched like I was going to hit her. She tried to hide it, but I saw her. "You're scared of me."

"No, i'm not. You just caught me off guard"

"Don't lie to me, Ava."

"Well can you blame me?! With what almost happened, yeah I got a little scared."

"That was so long ago, we got over that."

"You know what, Austin, i'm not doing this right now." She walked away from me, but instead of heading back towards her house, she started walking the opposite way.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"For a walk." She muttered.

"You shouldn't, Cory told us that there's some dangerous people after us, which means they'll go after you too. It's not safe."

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