18. Drunk

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Friday night has come, and there's a party tonight. Naomi and Jordan didn't have to try too hard to convince me to go. I actually enjoy parties. Do I go out every single weekend and party and get drunk beyond belief? No. Do I go out sometimes and have a drink or two? Yes. I'm a teenager; it's what we do. Some of us, anyways.

"I can't believe your mom is willingly letting you go." Naomi said to me as we got ready for the party.

"Well after lots of convincing, she finally agreed. She'd rather I tell the truth, than lie like last time. She said to just make sure we have a designated driver, not to drink too much, and to be careful.

"Well, we don't to worry about a driver because the guy literally lives around the corner from me. As for the drinking, no promises, but we'll be safe. So you're good." Naomi explained.

"Yeah, yeah, just hurry up." I laughed.

Jordan and I were impatiently waiting for Naomi to finish doing her makeup.

"I'm almost done, relax." She rolled her eyes. Eventually, she'd perfected it, and we were able to go.

"Are you sure I look okay? I feel underdressed." I asked my friends.

I had on a tight, black crop top with a sweetheart neckline, jean shorts, and my black converse. My makeup was simple and my hair was curled.

"Ava, you look fine, trust me." Jordan said.

"You better be right." I told them.

We walked into the party to see the familiar sight of dancing, drunk teens.

"Tonight's going to be so much fun." Naomi squealed.

"Damn right it will be." I agreed, smiling.

Before we began our night, though, I had to go find Austin. I'd told him earlier to come without me and i'd find him when I got there.

I looked through the crowd, but couldn't find him. I almost gave up and pulled out my phone to call him, but I spotted him in the back of the room with his friends. I decided that i'd get myself a drink first before I went up to him.

I turned back around and headed for the kitchen, and upon entering, I noticed there was only beers out on the counters. Shrugging, I grabbed one and opened it, taking a small drink. As I was turning to leave the kitchen, the back of me crashed into someone's chest. Instantly, their arm snaked around my waist.

"You look hot." They said in my ear.

I immediately recognized the voice as Austin's and smiled. I turned around in his arms and looked up at him.

"Thanks." I smiled.

He crashed his lips down onto mine and I heard a scoff from behind us. I turned around to look at Jordan and Naomi staring at us.

"Please don't be that couple." Naomi begged.

"What couple?" I laughed.

"The one that makes out literally the whole party." She rolled her eyes playfully.

"We won't make out the whole time. Just most of the time." He joked, earning a laugh from us girls.

"No, we won't." I corrected. "Let's just get out there."

"Yes!" The girls cheered, knowing what I meant.

Let me tell you something about the three of us, we like to dance. We probably look absolutely horrible doing it, but we'll still dance our hearts out.

I pulled Austin along into the middle of the living room, where everyone else was dancing. He's joining us whether he likes it or not.

We danced and danced until we could hardly stand any longer. On top of all my dancing, I was drinking the whole time.

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