15. Yes

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• Austin's P.O.V •

My mom called today and asked me to come over, and I happily agreed. Even though we've had our problems in the past, I do miss her.

So, I'm on my way there right now. We'll probably just catch up, and go out to lunch or something, but that's fine with me. I may be a total asshole, but I still love my mother, and i'd do anything for her. Plus, maybe she can give me some advice for Ava. I'll admit, I need help.

I pull up to her driveway, and turn off my car. Then, I step out, walk up to the door and ring the doorbell, and wait for my mother to answer.

"Austin!" She embraced me in a bone crushing hug, but I let her and just hugged back. "I've missed you."

"I missed you too, mom." I smiled.

"Well, come on in." She stood aside for me to go inside, then closed the door behind us.

"I'm glad you decided to come." She beamed.

"Of course. Couldn't turn you down." I replied.

"Sit, sit. Tell me how you're doing." She said, motioning for me to sit on the couch as she did so herself.

"I'm good." I smiled.

"Oh, come on, you've got more than that. How's school? Your friends? The house?" She asked, excitedly.

"School sucks, but i'm pretty sure you figured i'd say that." I laughed. "The guys are good. Still as weird and annoying as they've always been. The house is good too; I like it. Sometimes being alone can be too quiet, but for the most part, i'm liking it."

"Good, good. I'm glad to know you're doing okay." She smiled.

"What about you?" I asked.

"I'm great. Everything's great. I get a little lonely here sometimes, but I have my friends and family over a lot so it's fine."

"I'm sorry, mom." I said, referring to me moving out and leaving her alone in this house.

"Don't be, honey, I get it. You're a teenager that wants their space." She told me.

I gave her a small smile before standing up. "Come on, i'm taking you out for lunch."

"Wow, thank you. What a gentleman." She said, placing her hand on my arm, then walking towards the front door.

I only smiled in response and followed her outside. I got the car started up as she locked the front door.

"Where to for lunch?" She asked after she'd gotten in and buckled her seatbelt.

I just turned my head to her and gave her a look, hoping she'd be able to tell what I was thinking.

She rolled her eyes playfully. "Yes, we can go to Olive Garden."

"Best mom ever." I said, causing her to laugh.


We've finished lunch, but decided we'd just stay and talk.

"Mom?" I asked.


"There's a girl I want to talk to you about." I smiled.

"Oh, really? Oh, good." She beamed. "How long have you two been together?"

"Well, we actually aren't together yet. Just.."

"Dating?" She finished for me.

"Yeah, I guess so."

"Okay, that's not bad; getting comfortable with each other first." She said.

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