20. Guess Who Found Out

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• Austin's P.O.V. •

I walked into the warehouse, preparing myself to talk to Cory about what happened with Ava.

I went straight into the meeting room, since that's where Cory always talks to people. I sat in a chair and waited for him to arrive.

"What is it?" He asked, walking in to the room and taking a seat opposite me.

"Ava found out." I said.

"How? I told you not to tell her anything." He yelled.

"I didn't." I defended. "Robert came barging into my house and spilled some shit and she overheard."

"Idiot." He muttered under his breath. "Did you tell her about the file?"

"No. All that she knows about it is what she heard from Robert. And she knows i'm in the gang." I told him.

"This isn't good. It could put her in danger. If you really want to keep this girl, Austin, you've got to be careful with and around her." He advised.

"I know."

Cory went through this same thing with his current girlfriend, and it worked out, so I value his advice.

"Just be careful. And tell your friends to keep their damn mouths shut." He said.

"I will."

"Alright, let's discuss some other things since you're here."

Our little meeting lasted about a half an hour. When we finished, he told me to get the guys and check out the warehouse Robert was talking about, so I did.

I picked up the guys and went to the warehouse to search it. We went inside to find that it was completely wiped out.

"Damn it, it's a dead end. There's nothing here." Alex said.

"Check every room. Let's make sure there's absolutely nothing here. Something could have been left behind." I said.

We all broke apart and searched seperate rooms of the warehouse. Robert, Alex, and I couldn't find anything in any of the rooms. No money, no weapons, no papers, nothing. Just dust.

"They cleaned everything out, nothing's left." Robert said.

"Got something." Zach shouted from another room.

We all rushed into the room Zach was in to see him standing in front of a small safe.

"There's probably nothing in there." I said. "Why would they leave a safe full of important shit behind?"

"You never know. Let's just take it back and Cory can get someone to break it open. It's worth a shot." Alex said.

"I guess." I responded.

Two of us carried the little safe to my car and put in the trunk. Then, we all went back to the warehouse.

We carried the safe inside when we got there, and Cory ordered someone to get it open. When it was, he called us to the meeting room.

"Wasn't much in there. Just a thousand dollars and a USB." He told us.

"Did you run the USB through the computer yet?" Zach asked.

"Someone's working on it." Cory informed.

We sat in silence, waiting for the information about the USB.

"Here's what I found." Tyson said, entering the room. Tyson is our tech guy. He handles all things technology related. He can hack into anything, it's amazing.

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