2. Party

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I left Naomi's house early the next morning because Mother Nature had decided to pay me a visit and it was giving me bad cramps.

I was now getting ready to go to the store to buy more feminine products, seeing as I was running low. I grabbed my car keys, my purse, and my phone before I headed out and went to the store.

Once there, I tried my best to hurry and get what I need. I thought buying feminine products was absolutely embarrassing. I knew every woman would eventually have to do it, but I still didn't like it. And, my mom refused to do it for me any longer, so I just had to do it myself.

I grabbed what I needed and began making my way out of the isle. As I was doing so, I spotted Austin out of the corner of my eye.

Just because I had those few incidents with him, now i'm going to start running into him wherever I go?

I tried my best to pretend like I didn't see him, but he saw me. And he saw me acting like I couldn't see him. I silently wished he'd not try to talk to me since he never does, but of course, my wish couldn't be granted.

"You're that girl that ran into me yesterday." He smirked.

"Yeah, and?"

"And, I think you owe me for that." He replied.

I laughed slightly. "I don't owe you anything. Especially over something as stupid as accidentally bumping into you." I tried walking away, but he only stopped me.

"Come on."

"No, Austin." I said sternly. "Why do you even want to talk to me anyways? You've never paid any attention to me before."

This time I walked away, and he didn't stop me.

What was his problem? I don't think that guy has ever said one word to me until Friday, and now I owe him? I knew what he was doing. He was doing what he always does, looking for a girl to use. He was sadly mistaken if he thought i'd be one of them.

I paid for my items, then drove myself back home. Right when I got home, my mom was ordering me around.

"I want you to do your chores right now, then get ready. The family is going out to eat." She said, while walking past me.

"I just walked through the door and you're already pressing about chores?" I whined.

"Ava. Chores. Now."

I knew there was no point in trying to fight her. "Alright."

"Hey sis." My little sister said when she walked into the kitchen, where I was now starting on the dishes.

"Hey, Tay." I said back. "Think you could help me out?" I asked.

"Fine." She groaned.

"Thanks." I smiled at her.

Taylor was my little sister. It wasn't just me and her though; we have two brothers. Ian and Blake.

Ian is the youngest. He's only eight. Taylor, who is twelve, is next in line. Then there's me, and i'm seventeen. Lastly, there's Blake, who's eighteen.

We finished up the dishes and moved on to something else.

"I'll sweep if you vacuum." Taylor said to me.

"Deal." She went back to the kitchen to sweep, and I went to the hall closet to grab the vacuum.

I vacuumed the whole house, while my sister swept and my brothers did absolutely nothing. Deciding that I was done, I put it back in the hall closet and went to the living room to sit down.

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