Chapter 17 - Life's... unpredictable!

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I woke up married to my boyfriend’s brother?!

Chapter 17

[Zac’s POV]

I was in serious shit right now! I was officially known as Charlotte’s boyfriend. Everyone who has Facebook surely had seen the status change! I'm sure Leslie saw it too or maybe Sarah saw it and told her…

I didn’t know what to do anymore… I can’t just go and break up with Charlotte! If I did, she would be become suspicious and then she’d find out I was married! I don’t want that to happen!

First, I need to call that girl and tell her that I don’t like Facebook updates like that! I mean, it’s so childish!

I grabbed my blackberry phone and searched for Charlotte’s number.

“Hey boyfriend!” she chirped on the second ring.

Damn the girl was so happy to be my girlfriend!

Of course, anyone would act like that if they were going out with me!, I thought to myself.

“Hellloooooooooooooo?” a girl said on the other line of the phone.

“Oh sorry! Hey!” I told her sounding uninterested.

“What’s wrong, boo?” she asked me genuinely worrying for me.

Boo?! Are you serious? Eww! That’s so… girly! I'm sure Leslie wouldn’t have called me like that!

“Nothing, it’s just that…” I started and stopped since I didn’t know how to continue.

I decided to not wait anymore and to just ask her directly.

“Why did you tag my name when you changed your Facebook status?” I asked her.

I didn’t care anymore. I don’t care if I hurt her feelings. I used to be the biggest player who slept around with all the girls. I was never nice before, so why should I change now?!

“Aren’t you happy honey? I thought we were a couple now! Isn’t this what couples do?!” she asked me whining.

Since when did Charlotte whine? This was so weird… when I was chilling with her as a friend, I found her different and fun… with that girl, I wanted to go out! Not with this wanna be Jessie!

“Listen, I don’t like it okay? I don’t care if you change your status to “In a relationship” but don’t including my name in it! Can you please go remove my name?” I asked her starting to lose patience.

She didn’t say anything for a minute and finally opened the mouth and said: “Okay… anything for you sweety!” she then gave me a big kiss threw the phone. Well it sounded big…

I woke up married to my boyfriend's brother?!Where stories live. Discover now