With Me (Destiel)

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Dean and Sam stood opposite one another, trading soulful looks before one decided to speak.


"No" he firmly said creating another moments silence, still glaring at his brother with anger.

"Dean I'm gonna leave then"

"Good. I hope we don't see each other for a long time" he grumbled before stepping closer to his brother, gesturing for him to leave.

"I'm sorry-"

"Save it" Dean was definite. Sam glanced one more time at his brother before slumping out the room and slamming the motel door. He sighed, rubbed his eyes then breathed in heavily trying to fight back tears.

"Castiel. Please look out for my brother" Sam said into the night sky above before walking away to a bar.

Dean tensed his shoulders, clenched his fists and slumped on his bed, staring purposefully into the floor.

"Dean?" he heard after a flutter of wings.

"Dean, what's happened? You're brother...where's Sam?" Cas frantically looked around the apartment. He looked back worryingly at Dean when he didn't reply "please talk to me"

"Cas, beat it. I'm okay. I just need to be alone, alright!?" he mumbled before looking back up at the angel "you're still here?"

"Yes. I want to to understand what happened between you and your brother tonight. I can help"

"Cas, you can't do anything"

"Try me. I've don't it before, I can help you if you let me"

Dean growled almost before giving the angel a death stare.

"Sorry, i forgot about the 'no chick-flick' rule" he grinned, trying to make Dean feel better. It kinda did but Dean was doing all he could not to show it.

"Just knock it off"

"Tell me what happened" Castiel walked over to the bed and sat next to Dean before staring at him, arms in lap.

Dean sighed, deciding Cas wasn't going to give up on him "I blamed the death of a family on him...when I know it was all my fault" he looked into Cas' puppy eyes, his hands fumbling but they held each other gaze for a while.

"Dean, it's going to be difficult on some cases, you know that. But you know you did everything you could at the time to save a family and you know that that's okay, you've saved loads of people and at least you tried, it's a lot more that what most can say in their life"

"I don't care. It's my job to save them, and I failed them"

"Dean, it's not your fault. Don't bare the blame. But don't make Sam take the bullet either"

"So what? It's killed me enough inside to know what I've done. I just panicked and blamed it all on him...please j-just leave me now okay" anger was beginning to well up in the hunters mind as his head got warmer creating a headache of stress.

Cas paused and took in a deep breath before talking again.


"Cas please leave us to sort this out. I don't want to include you. It'll be done and dusted as soon as we see you again. Just go man"

"Why won't you let me help you?"

"Just go!" Dean jumped up and grabbed the Angels trechcoat collar, pulling it up and towards him. Cas bit his lip and looked up at Dean in slight confusion and shame.

The hunter pulled the angel to stand and shoved him with everything left into a wall making the angel squeal.

"I...will not...abandon you Dean Winchester" Cas almost got choked as he spoke those words. Dean moved his head closer to Castiels so their noses were almost touching, they stared deep into each others eyes.

That's when something in Dean broke. He doesn't didn't know what it was but Cas make him feel...different. All he could see in the Angels eyes was how scared he was but forgiveness and empathy surging through his eyes and it broke something inside of Dean.

Without thinking Dean takes a small lean forward into Cas' lips. Dean seemed desperate, hungry to kiss the angel. Castiel doesn't react for a moment then grabs around Deans neck, wanting to deepen their kiss even more.

Dean opened his mouth, trailing along the Angels lips before the angel let him enter, letting their tongues roam each other's mouths getting satisfactory moans from both of them. The roughness continued as Dean jabbed his hands into Cas' shoulders pinning him against the wall while Cas pulled in Deans back, scratching through the fabric.

After a moment they drew apart from each other, heavily breathing and eyes still closed. Dean rest his forehead against Castiels. Still clinging to each other, they share a breath but don't speak for minutes, they don't need to.

A/N Idk if I should do a part 2 of this later maybe?? It'll just be rough and good perhaps idk but yeah...

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