Wings (Destiel)

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Dean was just sitting there in the bunker, doing nothing of importance or excitement. Just lazing around as he was alone, drinking a little in depression.

All of a sudden he heard the familiar flutter of wings from behind him. It comforted him; to know Angels were watching over him.

"Hey Cas" he said, still facing forward "what brings you h-" he turned around a bit to see the angel.

"Dean!" he croaked, stumbling forward in his crumpled clothing. There was a little blood on the sleeves but he looked in a noticeable amount of pain.

"Cas, w-what happened? are you okay?" Dean jumped up and held Castiels shoulders before guiding him to his bed, sitting him down.

"It's, wings. They are somewhat damaged"

"How?" Dean stood up and looked down at the slouching angel.

"One of my brothers attacked me...I needed medical assistance and I didn't know who else to go to"

"But...can't see your wings remember" Dean at looked Cas confusingly in the eyes.

"Oh yes, my apologies" Cas shuddered his shoulders before a pair of beautiful black wings appeared. One was slightly damaged, broken looked and blood stained around the shoulder blade area.

"Wow, Cas. They're amazing-I...I don't know what to say"

"Hurry up perhaps" he hung his head and blushed furiously.

"Why are you embarrassed? Cas, these are nothing to be ashamed of"

"It doesn't matter why, please just clean this wound and it'll sort the rest out" he ordered

Dean quickly walked out of the room and returned with vodka and a towel.

"Now this is going to sting a little, but it'll be worth it okay"

Cas nodded before clenching the edge of the bed right and biting his lip a little. Dean began pouring a little over the damaged part of the wing and dabbed it with the towel. He repeated this before he was certain it was clean.

"And we're done here" Dean stood back and marvelled at his work, putting down the alcohol and blooded towel.

"Is it okay? ...Cas?" he looked over at the angel who was breathing steadily but a little loud.

"It's brilliant Dean, thank you" he said in his normal gruff voice.

"Can I touch them?"

"Only for a bit though"

Dean ran his fingers through the undamaged feathers, stroking them for their softness.

Cas began letting out little groans, gripping the bedsheets again and lightly closing his eyes. Dean looked over at Cas and his body language.

"Sorry, Does it hurt?"

"No, no it's-" Cas let out another louder groan as Dean moved his hand away from the wing. Dean then stepped in front of Cas, noticing a slight bulge in his suit. He smirked before running his hands through both wings again making Cas softly moan out Deans name.

"Does it turn you on?" Dean looked back over to Cas and they both stared at each other for a moment before Cas sheepishly nodded.

"Which is why I'm embarrassed. They only appear when I please or intimate situations...I-I shouldn't have come-"

"No! Wait Cas" Dean said softly as he could. He once again ran his hands around the wings making Cas tilt his head back.

"Dean, why are you-" he slowly began only to be cut off by Dean trailing his hand over the beginning of the wing near his shoulder blade. Cas couldn't contain himself anymore from what Dean was doing to him and began touching himself, even through the fabric.

Dean leant in to kiss the angel, getting a passionate response. He reluctantly drew back and smiled.

"I think you need something taken care of" Dean looked down at the bulge in the Angels pants, he kneeled on the floor and began pulling his boxers teasingly down. Cas gasped as his hard member was freed from the restricting fabric.

Dean began trailing his hand around the Angels thighs and massaging the base of his erection.

"F-Fuck Dean I need you" he groaned.

"I know, soon..." Dean said as he licked the tip of his cock. Castiel shuddered and breathed heavily.

Dean ran his fingers up the Angels back then back to his legs, feeling every inch of the Angels body.

"I need you now" Cas whispered.

The hunter didn't need any more invitation than that to take all of Cas in. Cas threw his head back and groaned in pleasure, cursing. He was sweating a little in the build up and sudden spark of Dean around him.

As Dean deep-throated Cas he began bobbing his head faster on the Angels cock. He could feel the Angel tense up as he was close, slightly thrusting his hips.

"I'm close! I'm going to-Dean!" Cas cried as he came in the hunters mouth. Dean swallowed gladly and jumped up on Cas so they were lying flat on the bed next to each other.

Cas looked across at Dean, his wings now gone and he'd sort of pulled his pants up.

"Why did you do that Dean?"

"Because I wanted to. I'm-I'm with you I suppose. I thought this was opportunity. Did you enjoy it?"

"Yes. Thank you, it was amazing. More than amazing. But I didn't think you'd like me in that way. It was risky showing you my wings. And I knew it was" he smiled and softly kissed Deans head then lay back again.

"But I want the favour returned tomorrow Cas" Dean smirked as he curled up to the angel more and closed his eyes.

"Love you too Dean"

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