A Different type of Hunt

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It's probably not that good...uh, I did what I could though :) @kitkat4967 request x

If the week wasn't weird and exhausting enough, Cas had decided to bring himself along for a hunt to make it a billion times more complicated. Dean didn't mind much...or at all, it was just purely distracting and he had no idea what captivated him so much about the angel. They ended up resting in a sweet little town, very youthful population and for once the motel didn't smell like a dog had been in the impala. The three of them were nodding their heads and racking their brains for an explanation for a room this nice being this cheap.

"Christmas has come early, Sammy" Dean smiled, gazed around the room for a moment and walked around the edge, thumbing at the wallpaper, "we don't have mould this time or the sleezy women outside our door here!"

Sam smirked at his brothers enthusiasm, but for once he was right. Then he paused and pointed at Dean, "We've got to get Easter out of the way first, don't wish the year away"

"What is 'Easter'?" the king of air quotes finally spoke.

Both brothers dropped their bags in sync on the beds and turned to Cas in bemusement and confusion, tilting their heads and tensing shoulders.

It not only frightened Castiel, but made him panic as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, the way he was being stared at. "What?"

"What do you mean, 'what?' Cas" Dean stormed forward a step, searching Cas for any sign he was joking or waiting for it to click. Nothing. Just both of them staring at each other and Sam ended up coughing to stop it. Dean started up his stance again, "we're talking about yearly celebration revolving around your existence and you don't know what it is! Were you even alive 2000 years ago?!"

He thought back to the time when life was simple and he knew nothing. A world without the Winchesters or nuclear wars. A time where he was alone and vulnerable. A place where he could look after the animals that he loved so much, just waiting for his next command. When he was a blank piece of paper with a heart.

"Y-Yes" he was answering Dean's question with concern, "I was probably just...watching the bees"

"Pfft, you really need to catch up, man" Dean shrugged and opened up his duffel, putting away his gun.

Sam then suddenly stood back from himself and stared at the floor in epiphany. Dean and the angel stared at him for an explanation to this lash out and folded their arms expectantly. "Hey, Cas. To get maybe...memories flowing" his hand gestured in a circle, animating his words, "and have fun at the same time, you - I mean we - could...go on a Easter egg hunt?"

Cas' eyes lit up, a crooked smile raised. But then Dean cut this off with a rolling of eyes and stepping up to his brother, "Do be immature, that's for kids".

"That's also for cases" he said matter-of-factly, smugly glancing at the two and turning away to search through his bag.

"'Scuse me?" Dean leant his head in.

"I mean, while you and doctor Doolittle over there are about on the hunt," he still has his back to them, "it'll give me an opportunity to look about the manor farm it's based at" Sam turned around with a poster of a house and advertisement of a hunt there, followed by newspaper articles of mysterious deaths.

Dean snatched them off his brother then after an inspection he cocked his head and raised his eyes, "well Cas, are you up for this?"

He furrowed his brow and cocked his head, squinting in his not quite getting it state, "...I-I won't be sitting down i-if that's what you mean"


And that's how they ended up here. Standing at the foot of the driveway with children running about in every direction around them with balloons and face paint in the warm spring weather, a gentle breeze moving across the freshly mowed grass and Team Free Will looking like Metatron in a kitten sanctuary.

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