Glass (D)

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A/N grr...idk but I'm not exactly happy about this for some reason

Cas pulled a dark stare on Dean, bitchfacing before he walked back from the balcony since Dean brought up earlier.

Dean bit his bottom lip, rolled his eyes and twisted his upper body around "What? You're running from this now? After you said it in the first place?" He then turned completely from leaning over the railings and slowly made his way back through the french doors.

Cas stopped dead in his tracks and sighed, still facing away from the hunter "Dean, we both know that nothing will work between us, you said so"

"I said so last year" he circled round, keeping distance and just staring at the angel hanging his head.

"And our agreement was just friends as I understand" Castiel turned and tilted his head, looking so done with everything.

"You said you still feel the same. Same here. It wouldn't hurt to go out...or go to bed?" okay, he was pushing it a lot.

"No. Dean" he growled firmly.

"But I'm bored ... and feeling like we could risk everything." He walked over to Castiel and held his hand out to Cas's cheek "Even if it's just for tonight"

Castiel just shrugged his touch away and refused to make eye contact. "You must adknowledge I can't for one night"

"We can't do it everynight, this life...we can't afford these sort of relationships. But everynow and then we can afford it"

"You're the one who said we shouldn't and I'm going to hold you to that word" Cas pushed Dean out of his personal space.

"You're the only one stopping us from going anywhere tonight"

"It was the you that respected how much emotional attatchments effected hunts. And I can't. I can't just do it for one night"


"Because I fear i'll fall for you deeper and never let that love disappear" Cas apologetically looked at Dean before turning it back into anger, his deep and gravely tone threatening. "I'm going before I do something we regret and don't expect me to come back". He turned on Dean.

"Cas! Come on, please" Dean began to walk after him, but the angel just sped up his pace. "Cas!"

Castiel was almost at the corridor to the hotel exit before he felt a painful thumping on his forehead and fell, then lights out.

All Dean saw was Cas storming toward a glass door, not even registering it was there. He stopped for a moment, looking how he swayed before collapsing on the floor. Dean felt a guilty smile light up his face before full on stomach-ache laughing at it, holding his chest to try and compose himself but it just got funnier every time he replayed the memory.

"C-C-aahaass" he giggled, walking towards the fallen angel.

Castiel stirred, groaning and turning on his side.

"Oh, Cas, you stupid son of a bitch" Dean knelt next to him, rubbing his forehead. What started as an angry storm out turned into one of the funniest moments of Deans life.

"Dean" he breathily got out, moving his arm up.

"Don't. Don't move. I've-I've got you" he said as he moved one arm to support his neck and upper back and the other around behind his thighs before gradually lifting him up.

Castiels coat draped down as Dean walked with him back and kicked their door down. He looked at Cas passed out in his arms and chuckled a little more then placed him on the couch where the angel stirred but remained asleep.

Dean stared at him for a while as he knelt next to the couch, rustling his hair and planting kisses over his face until he woke.

"Dean, what are you doing?" he grumbled, smirking a little at Deans actions.

"Hey, look who's back with us" Dean stayed close to Cas's face, lightly pressing noses together.

"What-What happened?" Cas rubbed his eyes and began to sit up.

Dean perched up further on his knees between Cas' open legs "You walked into a glass door, you idiot"

"Oh" he sighed, leaning forward and resting his head in hands.

"Yeah, oh indeed. But it was friggin' hilarious and I only wish I recorded you doing so"

"I do have a brief memory of you laughing"

"Can't blame me" he tilted his head. "Look, I'm sorry about it-"

Cas looked up into the beautiful green eyes and just went for it, cutting Dean off and planting a kiss on his lips. Once he slowly drew away, Dean had his mouth slightly agape but eyes remained closed.

"Was that okay?" Cas panicked.

"Perfect" Dean rubbed his eyes and looked back up at Cas again.

"C-Can we try that again?"

Dean smirked as he wrapped his arms around Castiels neck and sprung up to hook his legs over Cas' waist and sitting on his lap. They pressed lips again and felt butterflies bundle inside them as they kissed. Cas had his hands wrapped firmly on Deans lower back, making sure he didn't fall back onto the floor and to keep him rolling into him. Deans hands rested on the cheeks and jaw of Cas while they continued nibbling and sucking at the others lips.

He pulled away, just staring at the beautiful blue eyes and grinned, placing their foreheads together.

"Cas, a crazy thought...but could we try us? I mean, not for one night but for every night... as long as it works out"

"I don't know..." Cas teased, biting his tongue and smirking a little.

"I hate you" Dean laughed, stroking his way to Cas' collar to sort out his shirt.

"Love you too" Cas said in all seriousness and complexity in three little words.

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