Sectretive (D)

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A/N 8k + guys!? How did this happen? Time for more procrastinating and Pringles in celebration! This is pretty short, sorry, but I have friggin exams all the time. Anyways...

They're so bad at keeping it a secret, it's actually pretty comical.

That's the only reason Sam has let it go on this long: for his own amusement. He realizes that maybe it's kind of cruel, but he figures it's payback for the various things his brother has kept from him over the years. What's one more secret, right?

But seriously. They're doing one hell of a crappy job at keeping it anywhere near private, and the idea that they're fooling anyone is just plain ridiculous.

First off, they are way too loud in bed. No, not even in a sexual sense (though there has been a couple incidents), just in general.

Sam can hear them every single night, right around the time they think he's gone to sleep. Castiel, who hasn't at all mastered the art of tip-toeing, will sneak across the hall and into Dean's room. This might work if Castiel wasn't so terrible at sneaking. Once, Sam could even hear him trip over his own blanket and land in a large clatter and muffled "ow" that wasn't conspicuous in the slightest. In the silence that followed all Sam was able to do was try and mute his snickers by shoving his face into his pillow.

Then comes the not-really-hushed-at-all hushed whispers that usually follow somewhere along the lines of "Cas, you're hogging the blanket," "I can assure you, Dean, that I have only what is my fair share of blanket," "Are you kidding me? You have enough blanket to cover Australia!" "I'm fairly certain that Australia is much larger than...did you change your shampoo?" and so on and so on.

Next is the touching. Or the almost-touching, more accurately, as most of the time they're able to catch themselves before actually making any contact. Sam watches the two of them squirm in their seats from the pure tension that exists in that one inch of space separating them from each other.

The booths in the diner are plenty large enough for them to have at least a foot between them, but no, Cas has smushed himself up next to Dean and Dean sits with his hands on the table, fingers tapping in an obvious attempt to push down the desire to reach out. Cas isn't doing any better. At one point Dean gets a bit of his milkshake dribbling down the corner of his mouth and Cas reaches out with his thumb to wipe it away, only to realize what he's doing with his hand just millimeters from Dean and snap it back so quickly he nearly knocks over his own drink.

Both of them blush deep scarlet and refuse to meet Sam's eye for the rest of lunch. It's so obvious that even the waitress notices, and when she gives Sam a questioning look, he just shrugs and smiles back at her.

And then of course there's the staring. Now, there has always been a hell of a lot of staring going on between the two of them, but somehow it's managed to get even worse. Seriously. It's bad. Dean spends so much time while he's driving just making dewy eyes at Cas in the rear view mirror that Sam is honestly afraid they're going to get in a car crash one day. And then his gravestone will read something like "Sam Winchester. Died at age 31 because his stupid brother couldn't freaking keep his eyes off his ex-angel boyfriend for two seconds to actually watch the god damn road." Cas stares at Dean almost constantly. Even when he's just doing the most completely normal and boring things imaginable, like pouring cereal or watching TV. And Dean isn't fazed by it at all. Sometimes he'll even look up to catch Cas' eye and give him a small smile before returning his attention to whatever mundane task currently occupies his time. It's such a sweet and loving gesture that Sam both wants to "awww" out loud and maybe throw up a little.

San can't help but wonder just when they plan to tell him. The image makes him laugh: Cas and Dean awkwardly sitting him down at the table and stumbling over their words trying to explain while Sam tries his best to feign a look of surprise.

That's the day he longs for. But the two of them are just so stupidly in love that, as entertaining as it is to watch them dance around each other, he can't help but hope it comes soon.

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