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Coping with any aftermath of a fight was something both Winchester brothers were never quite good at, with Dean being stubborn and Sam timid but righteous. By now they'd come to a normal way of things when shit got real - the avoiding, the eye contact, body language and eventual 'look, Sam...I'm sorry'. But now Dean had an entirely new type of person to get used to arguing with.

Cas held out a hand to Dean's shoulder and held him still. The fire in his eyes dangerously terrifying to Cas so he quickly let go. They stood in an awkward silence of shuffling bodies in the middle of the bunker. After a moment Cas gulped and began in his normal deep voice, "Dean, would you please just stop and-"

"Don't tell me to breathe again, Cas!" Dean scrunched his mouth up and let his exhale contract his body.

"You need to calm down" Cas' hands outstretched waist height and lowered his voice.

"Calm down?" He widened his eyes, neck craning forward in sarcastic confusion, "Cas, I ask you one time to be happy with me and you run away, you make a big deal of being around people and humiliate me, so don't tell me to calm down!"

"I'm sorry okay!?"

"No, you can't be sorry because you didn't want to hold my hand, why couldn't you just say so? Cas, we don't...we can't make a huge sign saying 'we're two men fighting over each other and in love' because we may as well hand ourselves over to the haters!" Dean felt a stirring in his chest, knowing this argument was going to build up bigger than any other with Castiel.

It wasn't the first argument. Where their mindsets where heading, it would probably be their last. Cas had a pounding in his forehead as Dean narrowed his eyes in a more threatening manner. "I didn't mean anything by it" he tried to reassure Dean, "I was scared, you retaliated causing this whole thing in the first place!"

"You just say 'no', what's so difficult to grasp about that, huh? What's so bad that you can't decline one simple human touch?!"

"You were the one that stared kicking off about it!" Cas pushed Dean's chest back and away.

"Maybe just shake your head, I just needed something to tell me how much you needed me" Dean held out for Cas' hand but was sharply rejected.

"I always need you, but I was scared and you retaliated against my actions!"

"Okay but you need to be more careful!"

"Why!? Dean, it's 2015 and it's all okay! I'm okay! You're okay! I just didn't want to hold your hand" Cas cried, trying to point out the obvious. He was becoming increasingly infuriated, but seriously wanted Dean to consider being quieter and talking it out like mature adults. Like he imagined being with Dean would be like.

"Typical" he tutted, looking sideways at the floor disappointedly. His bitchface on 100% when he tilted his head back at Cas.

"Of me? Dean, this is new okay! I apologise for not saying 'not yet' or something along those lines but you just need to understand where I'm coming from!" Cas could almost feel his words punctuating into Dean's heart as he spat.

They held a defiant gaze, softer on Cas' part, but the Dean strengthened it, darker, harder. "No" he growled.


"You heard me. I have had it up to here with you sometimes!" he held his hand above his head and then threw both down by his side, clenching his fists.

They must've been shouting loud because at that moment Sam burst through to that main room in shorts and messy bed hair with a very angry red face. "Guys! Please! Stop-"

"Fuck off Sam!" both men shouted in unison, turning in distemper.

"Put on your headphones and leave us!" Dean hollered through the halls of the building.

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