Bar part 1 (Destiel)

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Cas walked back from the restroom, smiling as he enjoyed the atmosphere he returned to. Dean and Sam were chatting away, ordering more drinks.

"I shouldn't have too much" Dean was contemplating.

"Dude, we're walking back to the motel"

"Hey Cas. Want anything else" Dean smiled as he spotted the angel walking back.

"No I'm fine Dean, but thank you" he finished his beer but continued sitting casually at the corner table.

"Hello guys, can I getcha a bite or drink?" a tall brunette came over to the table holding a pad and pen.

"I'll just have two others of this thanks" Dean pointed at his bottle.

"Alright then" she beamed and looked over at Cas "what about you, can I get you anything else?" she winked at him and curled her hair.

"Erm no, no thanks I'm okay-" he looked at the waitress with a confused expression.

"-Beer. Just. Two. Beers...please" Dean huffed giving his best fake smile as she scowled and walked off, shaking her hips making her look drunk, then stumbling over in her way too high heels.

"Waitresses eh?" Dean falsely laughed and took the last swig of beer and clunked his bottle on the table. Sam soon finished too. Cas remained confused at that event, he hadn't encountered that sort of thing before. Of course apart from Dean joking (probably) around.

"So, what are we doing tomorrow then?" Sam picked up the conversation.

"No idea, no cases so it looks like we have a free ride for a while before we find something" Dean replied.

"Sounds good" another waitress came up and placed down the beers and smiled.

"Thanks for the booze" a slurred sentence came from Sams mouth.

"So what are you doing tonight then?" she looked over at Cas and bit her lip seductively.

"He's with us. Then home, ain't that right honey?" Dean looked over to Cas, stroked his jaw line and then nodded his head. The angel stared wide eyed after Deans comment and furrowed his brow.

"Oh-urm really...shame" she grimaced and strutted off.

Soon after a couple of girls definitely out for a good time came through the door, immediately eyeing up Cas, stroking his shoulder and hair as they walked passed and sat a few feet away, glancing at him occasionally.

Dean shuffled awkwardly and then finished his beer in one last gulp.

"Dean, are you okay?" Sam noticed his behaviour.

"Alls fine" he sarcastically said.

"Seriously Dean, I think your brother is right. You are not okay"

"Uptight and protective is the words you're looking for" Sam smiled and gulped down another beer in one.

"Yes" Cas nodded and shuffled next to Dean.

"It's nothing I'm sorry-"

"So it's okay for you to sleep with women but as soon as one so much as hits on me I'm not allowed to at least smile back"

"That's not what's happening"

"I think you're jealous" Sam butted in.

"Sam this isn't your fight" Dean rolled his eyes.

"Oh so it's a fight now" Cas stood up and walked angrily outside.

"I think you should follow" Sam whispered as he went off to the restroom.

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