There's something I need to Say

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A/N have this full chapter I was saving for a later date but...

Team free will in a bar, not too far outside of Michigan, investigating some ghost-the normal salt and burn sort of thing. You know, the normal...

"Can I get you guys another drink?" The bartender-thirties perhaps, a bit of cheekbones and stubble-asked to Dean.

"I think we're okay here thanks" Dean replied, looking up from his glass into the dark and blown eyes.

"If you need anything else, call" he softly smiled and nodded before walking the other end of the bar.

"So...we can go to the cemetery at midnight tonight or 6.12 tomorrow morning, well that time is from the museum so probably more accurate, your choice" Sam said to Dean and Cas either side.

"There's gonna be some kids there still at midnight probably, I suggest the morning" Dean answered.

"I agree. You two should get some rest, I'll be watching the Tate family just in case" Cas suggested, getting up from his seat.

"They don't need to be watched"

"Just. In. Case" with that Castiel disappeared.

"Friggin' angels"

"I know" Sam clinked his beer with Deans and downed some more.

It was then when Dean caught the bartender staring at him while drying some glasses. They both looked at each other intently for a moment before splitting the eye contact, the man looking shyly away and back to his customers.

Dean thought nothing much of it until the second time that night, he and his brother were discussing best holidays in Europe or some random subject when he flickered his eyes back to the blue of the waiter. Dean smirked a little, licking over his bottom lip and sitting up straight. The man lifted his un-tucked dress shirt up and revealed his prominent hip bones before getting out some money from his pants, handing it over to some guy.

The older Winchester looked the man up and down, getting his slightly muscley and firm body increasingly mapped in his head, even taking in more facial features like his smile when serving or bored face. It reminded him of a certain angel...

After an hour or so of stolen glances between the two, the man approached Dean and Sam again.

"What is your name then?" he asked, leaning on the bar a little and into the light. Deans first thoughts were that this guy in the light looked like a cross between dark haired Orlando Bloom and slightly younger Tom Cruise. But his eyes still reminded him of an angel...

Dean took in a sharp breath"You first"

"Chris. Now you"

"Dean" he may as well use his real name.

"Nice to meet you, Dean. What brings you here?" Chris had a tinge of British in his accent, not much though.

"Aren't you on duty?"

"In off in about...10 seconds so I figured I could know who I'm going to be talking to tonight before I get off first"

"Fair enough then" he tilted his head.

Sam was flickering through a newspaper, not paying any attention to who Dean was talking to, but got bored.

"Dean, I'm heading back now, I'll catch you later, don't bring back any chicks or go anywhere apart from back to the motel we gotta be out early, remember?" Sam quickly said before exiting.

"Your friend?" Chris leant across the bar a little further, following Sams movements.

"Annoying little brother more like" Dean finished his drink.

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