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A/N I will not be held accountable for the feels

He sprung up, wide eyes with alert and spinning to make sense of where he was. Well...he'd just been stabbed by his brother. Where else would he be?

The sky was jet black with only some stars dotted overhead. There was no moon, only Venus and constellations to light the sky. The overgrown trees around the small clear Gabriel had woken up in were towering and twisting around the place.

He looked down at his attire. Why wasn't his flannel bloody? Why was he wearing...oh. There was an old friends red plaid shirt on him, grey top underneath. Slowly, he wiped the dirt and leaves off his clothing before trudging to the exit where a dim light was emitted from.

As he got out of the forestry, he came across a church. Old one, stone and bland. An ancient wooden door was agape, enticing the archangel to open it up.

Gabriel got closer to it, seeing some candles on the floor either side lighting the way to the alter and rows.

He got inside the main part of the church and walked around, the soft pad of his bare feet ringing about the empty space. The concrete and stone was freezing on his feet, the air around him even more so. But it didn't stop him. He knew why he was here.

Eventually he began looking up and around the rooftop, seeing thatching and painting all around. And familiar faces depicted from the human mind. Soon he settled a few rows from the front, relaxing back on the pew and crossing one leg over. Taking in a deep breath, he put one hand across the back of it and watched the single flame at the front, flickering the spark in his eyes again. The eyes that resembles whiskey in a glass at sunset.

He smiled to himself a little bit, sighing at his own loss, not knowing what to do. What could he do for the rest of eternity? Free will and good intentions, loving too much and being loyal to what he believed in...his baby brother Cassie-none of that would get him back.

Better have a last try at getting back on the good list, eh? For old times sake, for...his sake.

"Hey," he began, shaking his head and looking up to the heavens "gah...this is stupid". He shuddered his shoulders and gulped.

Nothing had prepared him for this moment.

"Look...I tried my best, I really did. I saved those Winchesters, got Cas safe like I promised. I even stood up to my brother for you. For everyone" he felt his chest clenching and jaw quivering. It wasn't the coldness. He bit his lower lip again and scratched his cheek before swallowing hard.

"A-And I-I was just there anyway you can bring me back? At all?" His voice shattered as he spoke softly. The crushing feeling in his skull and heart continued.

Angels don't cry

All he did was try and fight back a single tear for the moments that followed. He just gave in, uncrossing his legs and head in hands in lap. The droplets flooded down his face as he tried to sniffle them away, wiping them with the hunters clothes he had on. But he didn't stop. Years of emotions built inside filled with anger and betrayal and loss pelted out at that second.

After a minute or so he brought himself back, composing his posture and panting a little.

"I-If you can't...maybe..." He shivered, quivering at the emotions that just overcame him "...maybe let Sammy Winchester know that I...that I miss him. And tell him he needs to keep on fighting..." Gabriel paused and let more tears drop onto the cold hard floor.

He then stood up, rejuvenated in anger and determination.

"Tell him he needs to keep fighting for me" he clenched his fist tight and padded over to the front of the church, kneeling down and hanging his head.

"Forgive me father, I am about to sin" he whispered to himself.

Gabriel's eyes lit up with fire of hell and lions in his heart, standing up again and walking to the table in front, smashing it in half and using his grace to part them, smashing against either wall.

He briskly turned around and began tearing up the delicately made cloths and seatings, crumbling under his very touch or glance. Gabe turned both palms to the ceiling, dragging them into a claw to bring the roof clattering down in front of him. He just stood still, watching piece or block crashing down.

He had nothing left.

This is the broken angel.

"Soon...Gabriel. I promise" Chucks voice rang through Gabes head for a moment.


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