Bar (Part 2)

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"Dean what's happened? I don't know what's happened. Tell me!" he wept and stumbled over to the bed, suddenly realising Dean was topless.

"Where are we?" Dean began.

"Somewhere no one can find us apart from the captor that's one thing for sure. Why is it set up like this though?"

"I'm just as confused as you Cas. Except it know it was Gabriel who put us here"

"Why would he do that though?" Cas sat next to the half naked hunter on the smooth bed.

"I-I walked in on him and Sam doing something"

"Something? You mean intercourse"

Dean blushed "Yes. And he just zapped me here" Dean lay his hands on his jeans and hung his head a little then tilted it to look at the angel.

There was a long silence as Cas looked back into the hunters eyes.

"Why did you walk in on them?"

"I thought you were in there"

"Why did you think that? You didn't just run in to find me for any reason"

"Urmm...Its a bit of a long story"

"I've got forever. Trapped in here until we're free"

Dean blushed before deciding to tell Castiel the full truth.

"When I went outside Gabriel made a fake you"

"A fake me?"

"Yes....a you that is fake" he didn't know how he could make it any clearer "Gabriel made a hologram of you so I thought it was actually you."

"Oh, okay. Then?"

"Then we argued" this got a nod from Cas "and then I...I said something and we ended up kissing in the alley, next to the bar"

"What must've you said for that to happen?" He was surprised.

Dean stood up and walked over to the wine in a cooler and ruffled his hair, wondering wether the real angel felt the same.

"It-it doesn't matter"

Cas gave a concerning and confused look but Dean continued.

"Anyway, you said we should continue that back at the room. You zapped away and I ran to the room expecting you to be half naked or something. Instead I got Gabriel and Sam" he shivered at the thought. "So what happened to you?"

"We erm...we also kissed. But no talking just kissing. The fake you began touching me and soon I felt...I don't know...but a nice 'I don't know'. Quite pleasurable too-"

"Yeah, yeah I get the picture. And then you just ended up here"

"No, 'you' needed to leave to see Sam and I was left. Then I came here"

"Cas you're sweating. It's getting really warm in here you should take some layers off"

"Like you?"

"Only if you want" Dean turned his back to Cas for a moment and ended up looking at the wine. He didn't really fancy it but it's the only liquid in the room. And plus he may as well taste this 'fine specimen'.

"Do you want some Cas?" Dean held out a glass and turned around to see the angel trying to take his shirt off.

"D-Dean, can you help? the button it's-it's stuck"

Dean rolled his eyes and walked over to Castiel.

"You really need to do this yourself" he grabbed the top of the collar and pulled the button under the other side of the sort and continued to do so while Cas just stood there.

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