Not In Drunk (Destiel)

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"Are you sure we should let Cas have another?" Dean harshly whispered as he leant into his brother across the table.

"Yeah, he'll be fine. Just let him be, plus...he's buying us drinks too" Sam smirked.

"Right guys here you go" Castiel got back and slumped next to Dean giving out the beers.

"Cheers, thanks Cas" Dean awkwardly smiled as he took a sip of the alcohol. The angel smiled in gratitude back, his eyes happy watching Dean.

After a moment Dean saw Cas gazing at him and looked into the stare giving him a look of confusion. Sam just sat there like the third wheel in this situation.

"Ahem! Sooo...we can clear up the motel real good by 7 this morning and we'll be alright...guys" Sam suddenly said feeling the awkwardness. He wanted Cas to get drunk and get with Dean, just so Dean could get either annoyed or realise he wanted Cas back.

"Urm yeah, I'll set alarm when we get back" Dean looked over at his brother and then around the bar. The angel copied his actions and looked around the room, staring occasionally.

"Well isn't this fun" Dean sarcastically said after a moment.

Cas caught his gaze and winked at Dean who drew his head back, tilted his head a bit then took another sip of beer.

"I can't believe people can lose control of their 'consciousness' when they consume certain amounts of alcohol. I mean, I'm not even the slightest bit out of it!" Castiel half shouted and slurred to the brothers. They both exchanged a look and then went back to their drinks.

"I-it's not as if a drink-of all things-can do that to someone!" Cas said again getting a annoyed look from the Winchesters.

"Right pal, I think that's enough for you tonight. Come on, we're off" Dean was about to get up when Castiel put his hand firmly on his thigh and pushed him down.

"I'm okay Dean, what's with you?" Cas shuffled closer to the hunter and left his hand still in his thigh "Dean your eyes are really, really beautiful"

"Wait, what?" Dean blushed.

"And your freckles...did you know that every freckle is a kiss from an angel?"

"'Scuse me but what-why? Cas seriously-"

"Your lips look very soft" Cas interrupted.

"Okay, I need to go far far away from here" Sam got up but lingered to see what happened next.

"Cas, I think we should go back to our room now, what do you think Sam?" Dean nodded to his brother.

"Yeah alright that's a good idea" he replied "but I'm gonna stay here, you should take him back" Sam smiled.

"Fine" he breathed heavily, well aware that Cas was going to flirt with him even more. He grabbed around Cas' waist and lifted him up, getting Cas to put his arm around his shoulder.

They hobbled out of the bar into and walked next door to the motel rooms.

"Cas can you just walk, I don't want to carry like this much longer. Cas....? Cas?" he shook the angel when they got to the car park. The angel didn't respond so Dean had to pick up Cas bridal style.

He fumbled around a bit in Cas' pockets as he had the key but he couldn't find it.

"Castiel you son of a bitch" he murmured to himself before lying the unconscious angel down on the landing.

Dean knelt next to Cas then rolled his eyes before he shoved his hands into all pockets of the trechcoat. He couldn't find the key still so continued with the shirt, touching all over his toned torso through the thin fabric. Dean sighed again before sliding his hands slowly into Cas' new jeans pockets. He felt around for a bit before Cas gasped. Dean immediately drew back and put his hands up in surrender.

"Dean? what's-what the fuck are you doing!?" he sat up, leaning on his hands.

"It's not what it looks like Cas"

"Really? Dean that felt weird" he cocked his head to one side and paused "I-I think I'm sober now"

"No, Cas you don't just go to sleep then become sober you idiot" he smiled slightly down next to the angel.

"Angels have that ability. I'm-I'm alright...but what were you doing with me?"

"I think you have the motel room keys in your urm pockets so that's what I was looking for, sorry if I startled you" he sat on the landing next to the angel.

"Here it is then. We should probably get inside" Cas handed over the keys to Dean.

Once they were inside Castiel took his crumpled trechcoat off and threw it on his bed. Dean sat on his single bed, taking off his boots until Cas sat opposite him on his own bed.

"Remind me, what happened after the first beer?" Cas gleamed almost.

"I thinks it's best for you to not remember, man" Dean replied.

"Dean, now!" he ordered sending the hunter shivers to his harsh and sexy tone.

"Fine fine alright. You are one of the worst and conspicuous flirters I have ever come across, eventually me and Sam decided to take you back here so I carried you" Dean fake smiles before taking off his jacket.

"Oh...I am so sorry. I didn't realise that I would speak to you in such a way...but thank you for understanding"

"No problem, but why did you say those things anyway?" Dean jumped back and switched on the TV.

"'s easier just to show you" Cas stuttered before moving next to Dean and holding his head, kissing his lips. Dean instinctively drew away, giving a confusing look to the angel before leaning back in harshly.

"I knew they'd be soft" Cas grinned, not breaking eye contact.

"I hate you, you lying bastard" Dean joked before kissing Cas again, getting the taste of stronger alcohol on his tongue, but he didn't care.

"Good, because I love you too. Have done for a very long time now"

"Really? How come you've never said it to me before?"

"I was scared"

"Don't be...I'm here babe"

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