Slowly (Destiel)

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A/N this one is pretty shit so yeah...I'm not too good at fluff... I have no idea what this is...what the fuck even is this anymore!? What is life!

"Alright guys we've got to go now, really!" Sam tried communicating with Dean but failed miserably.

The music was loud and the night club was almost empty apart from team free will and a few random people. Cas had challenged Dean earlier to drink as much they could without getting drunk. Resulting in both of them obviously getting completely drunk. After flirting all evening, due to the alcohol, Cas and Dean had gotten really close.

"I think it's time for a dance" Dean got up from the table and grabbed Castiels hand, pulling him up onto the dance floor. At that exact time a slow and familiar song to Dean came through the speakers.

Cas stared wide eyed at Dean as he held him close around his waist and kissed his cheek before resting his head sort of on his shoulder. Cas eventually placed his hands under Deans jacket on his hips and closed his eyes, relaxing more and relishing all that he had before Dean realised what he was doing.

"You only stay with me in the morning,
You only hold me when I sleep
I was meant to tread the water
But I've gotten in too deep
For every piece that wants you
Any other piece backs away" Dean swayed slightly holding Cas closer and whispering and sort of sung to the angel.

"Coz you give me something that makes me scared alright
This could be nothing but I'm willing to give it a try
Please give me something coz someday I might know my heart
But It might be a second to late
In the words that I could never say
Gonna come out anyway" he sung it as gently as he could, Cas couldn't help but love his singing voice either. He wondered if it would sound even better if he wasn't hammered.

Dean drew back, still holding tightly onto Cas and then leant in, closing the gap between their lips finally. As soon as their lips touched a round of applause erupted from Sam and Bobby in the corner (Bobby still had no idea why he agreed to come along).

Cas drew back after the peck on his lips and looked confused at Dean who was by now smiling and stumbling slightly as the song ended.

"What is it Cas?"

"I-it's just I've not really...I didn't think that..."

"Have I made my angel speechless?" he grinned before taking his hand again and pulled him out the door of the club.

"W-Where are we going Dean?" Cas stuttered whilst trying to be dragged properly and beginning to get dizzy.

Dean lead the angel to a motel room he'd got and lay Cas on the bed. Castiel was now a tad terrified of drunk Dean but knew nothing really was going to happen. Slowly, Dean clambered on top of the frozen angel.

"D-Dean, what are you doing?" Cas grumbled and got slightly annoyed.

All Dean could do was groan into the angels ear before closing his eyes and sparking out. On top of Castiel.

Great Cas thought to himself.


"Cas?" Dean grumbled into the pillow he was facing and fluttered his eyes open to suit the light in the room. He slowly and hesitantly got up and walked over to the mirror, staring deep in his eyes.

"What the fuck happened last night?" He questioned himself rhetorically.

"I would explain if you wish" Cas said from the other side of the room. Dean stumbled back in shock as he didn't expect anyone else to be there.

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