32. Revenge: Aom's POV

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I looked at Nny-Nny with my face probably glimmering worry & curiosity at the same time.

"Aren't we going to a meeting?"

"Yes." She replied apathetically.

"Then w-where are we? A-are we lost?" I stuttered, hardly playing brave.

"No." My overly confident boss answered.

"Why is it so dark?"

"Because it's nighttime?" Her reply ignited my brows to crook together. She was drop dead handsome but sometimes her jokes were awful. Really.

"I know it's nighttime obviously." Duh.

"Then obviously it's dark."

"Tsk. Can you just please tell me where are we going?" I frustratedly surrendered. There was no way I'd win this game especially if she had more control of where she would drag me into, perhaps her dungeon.

"I told you in a meeting. Why? Are you scared?"

Pfft! My brows wrinkled in disbelief. "Of c-course not! W-why would I get scared? It's not like you're kidnapping me, right?" My gaze shifted from side to side, trying hard not to pull a nervous aura.

She looked at me as if I suggested the craziest idea. Her brow perched up. "What if I am?"

My eyes widened in shock. "What??!!" I shrieked. I started to have a bad feeling that something was definitely not right, judging the sound of her voice. Was she serious?

"You said you're not scared. So why do you sound like you are?"

I gulped as my heart raced again. My stupid boss was playing villain at me now that my fear had been provoked. I hated dark places especially if I didn't see anyone else aside from us. Of course she didn't know this as one of my weaknesses. And I wasn't willing to tell her about it because the more she would frighten me, let alone make fun of me nonstop. I knew she was giving me a hard time now, maybe because of my unknown behavior earlier. I still couldn't comprehend what did I do wrong.

But it was nonsense to cling on that thought when we were on a kidnapping scene now. I had to act unaffected and brave despite the struggle. I guess I just had to play along and put my fear aside. I was with my boss after all, and I had a witness, my bestfriend.

"I am not scared. You're not even a scary kidnapper. Actually you don't even qualify for that role." I hissed. And I had hoped it worked.

"What do you mean?" Now she sounded challenged.

"Well kidnappers look more manly and macho", with emphasis on this word, "more like a goon full of strength and big muscles. And you looked..." then my voice lost interest as I described.

She raised her brow at me for the umpteenth time, sensing my underestimation towards her ability. "I looked like what?"

"You looked lame." I could have sworn this won't backfire on me.

"Is that so?" She huffed.

And I nodded with conviction.

Confidence tousled in her voice as she pulled a smug that resembled her handsomeness which I hated because it made me want to look at her more than ever. "Tsk tsk. You judge me poorly. One of these days you'll prove yourself wrong."

I could have sworn for the second time, that I wouldn't eat my words. And I wasn't looking forward to that day.

"Whatever. But still, you could have told me so I could at least prepare myself."

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