21. Coffee vs. Cake: Aom's POV

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My stiffened muscles began to relax, my rapid heart started to go  back to its normal beating as my shivered bones began to feel the normal  temperature once I slumped myself on my chair. 

I'm  seizing this quiet moment, despite the fact that it won't last that  long. But at least I had the chance of stabilizing my breathing from my  almost heart failure inside the elevator.

I wasn't  fascinated how fate wasn't favorable to me recently. Neither impressed  at myself of how flustered I was whenever Tina's near me. Being trapped  by her in a jostled elevator was never in my wish list.

It's  hard to admit but her gawking totally melted my stoutheartedness. And I  hated myself for being a stupid nervous freak. Now taking a mental note  that maybe, just maybe, a voluminous intake of caffeine next time would  perhaps boost more guts in me. 

Why was this even  happening to me? Was I being intimidated by her irresistible handsome  face? It sure would be a lot easier to deal with her if she's not so  good looking, or she has a horrible breath, or with an extreme body odor  that would knock any living creature down—any unattractive  thing about her, that would help me not to get distracted. Yet, finding  one flaw from her wasn't even easy either.  On a straight girl's  perspective, everything about Tina seemed beautiful naturally. Really. So not fair.  I shook my head in despair.

Few  minutes had passed, still enjoying the silence inside this grand  executive office of my boss. Alone. No provocative cranky-like-granny  Tina. No nosy annoying Fern. Just me. I did hope it would stay that way,  but I doubted it. Anytime soon they'd show their faces up, and again...  my focus would get interrupted—for the umpteenth time.

I didn't have any choice, since they were the people I'd be closely working with—unfortunately. So  that meant, I would have to deal with those two doofus with highly  concentrated patience, which I had no idea where to dig one. And hoping  this limited patience of mine won't drain too soon, coz I had a huge  hint it was going to happen anytime now if they won't leave me alone.

But  for them leaving me alone, I guaranteed that was far from happening as  long as I exist in this company. Not that I was the only employee here  that they could bombard with nonsense questions and unnecessary stares.  As a matter of fact, so many Tina fanatic swooning girls in this tall  building were a better prospect than me.

I cringed at  the thought of the elevator scene that rewound in my mind. I just  couldn't get it out of my head. Shivering some heat inside my body,  again. I'd probably reconsider taking the stairs next time, than  endangering myself of being cornered by Tina's charm... and scent...  and... wait, what the hell was I even talking about?? Have I started  talking nice things about my Nny-Nny, I meant my boss? I scoffed at  myself after realizing how stupid I was. I thought I was losing my mind.

Going  back, where was I? Oh yeah. The stairs. 42nd floor stair climbing  wouldn't be that bad as my morning exercise, would it? I'd just take it  as an everyday company fire drill activity which would only have one  participant and that would be voluntarily—me. Darn. The only  problem would be, I might doze myself at work for all the exhaustion I'd  get in that activity. Nny-Nny won't be pleased seeing someone sleeping  like a lost bum inside her office. Okay. Wrong plan. Forget that. I  didn't want to get fired as an accused insensitive bum inside her  office.

I felt like a headache was about to hit me  as I've been putting too much pressure in my brain now, figuring out the  brilliant ways to avoid being trapped by her in the elevator next time.  I gained enough enemies, I guess, from her mad fangirls since I joined  this company. Adding more enemies in each time Tina would publicly pin  me against any random wall was never my desire. And neither was my death  wish of being murdered by one of her jealous admirers. Who knows  someone might have been thinking about it already.

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