9. Lovers' quarrel?

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Tina  couldn't resist herself from smiling during those moments. Either she  was having a good time teasing Aom and enjoying her cute pouty look or  she was ecstatic to finally made Aom agree with their deal... a deal  with Tina's tricky unending rules. She bluffed her with the last bullet  written on the 5th page of the contract. It wasn't even on the last  bullet, she wasn't even sure if it was indicated on the 5th page but she  was pretty sure it was written somewhere in the new hire contract.  Silly Aom didn't even bother reading her employment contract thoroughly.  She probably focused more on the important stuff written, and  overlooked the one bullet that Tina would be using against her... a one  mostly ignored bullet by many new employees but with a strong effect for  Tina to invade Aom's life... and eventually her heart.

Aom  still in front of Tina facing her executive desk, wondering what were  the reasons behind those smiles, Tina's smile that looked wicked... and  mischievous... and... still darn cute... she hated it... hated it so  much 'coz whatever smile her troublemaker boss was wearing, her  gorgeousness still reflected through her pretty handsome face.

Stupid  Aom! Don't you dare surrender your sanity and principles because of  those smiles. Every beauty of them are going to ruin your plan... your  dream... yourself, if you fall for those bewitching smiles. Aom  wanted to bang her head on those bright lovely painted walls of Tina's  office to awaken herself. Her facial expression showed nothing but  stupefied by the thoughts going on inside her.

"Well... I can  see your excitement on your first day." Sarcastic Tina said after seeing  the opposite facial expression of Aom. "Anyway, I'll take this chance  to thank you for applying in our company, welcome to the Jittaleela  group of companies family"...

Yes, my dragon eyes princess, in  the future... it'll be a great feeling for me to welcome you to my  family... our family... I'll wait for that day. Tina's thoughts were playing again with too much advancement.

Aom just rolled her eyes, Yeah  right! You were just in regret a while ago why HR hired me... And now  you're welcoming me... What an unpredictable fickle minded monster!! Aom mumbled.

"What  was that Ms. Aom? Are you saying something?" Tina asked, for the first  time, she called her Ms. Aom. Should she call her Ms. Tina in return or  perhaps Sir Boss... Sir Boss sounded too masculine... Nah! She's too  girly for that. To be safe she decided to call her the same as others  were calling Tina as a respect of her superiority level.

"Nothing,  young master." Aom tamed down a little. The  "60-days-making-my-boss-happy" deal reminded herself. Perhaps shutting  her mouth would make her boss happy, at least being quiet won't offend  Tina in anyway. If that's considered as making her happy by not  offending her, she'd try... all the best of her ability to control  herself not to say something bad or mean or offensive... she was hoping  she'd survive the boot camp of dealing with her  sarcastic-conceited-undeniably-handsome boss.

"Tina. It's  Tina." She corrected her new employee. Aom nodded as a sign of  obedience. Yeah, she was taming down... but who would know how far she  could stay as tame and obedient to her boss.

As far as  she knew herself, she's a very friendly person, easy to deal with, it's  just so hard to be her nice self when she was surrounded by a  provocative Tina, teasing her, triggering her temper, and at the same  time igniting her secret crush on her. Yes. Again, it's a secret.  There's no way she'd admit other than herself that she's fangirling over  this clumsy fool. Especially not Tina, if she'd know, damn, that would  boost her ego. For sure. Definitely, that's not going to help her  either.

"By the way, after the orientation, come see me first  before heading home. Your one day new hire orientation starts tomorrow  at 9am, don't be late." Tina carefully instructed Aom. "Stop by my  office on a daily basis, before leaving your shift... That's another  rule." Tina strenly added, no please, no favor, it was an order.

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