6. Cooperation and Harmony

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Aom had her interviews held on a different location. Hence, this building was quite new to her knowledge.

Aom approached the main lobby reception area and showed her permit as a new hire to the security in the reception. After showing all employment evidences - her new hire letter and valid photo ID, the guard instructed Aom to head to the 42nd floor of the building which was the executive floor, while Aom's eyes were scanning somewhere else.

The building was very nice, all bright lightning across the ground level of the premise with different designs that looked like crystals in the high ceiling which made the lobby so elegant and attractive. She felt like she's entering a five-star hotel.

Oh my gawd! This office is so awesome. Yay! This is going to be my everyday scenery, bright lights sparkle in my sight...every morning! I feel like seeing stars in the morning. I'm so excited! Her mood had changed into a high-spirited one.

Aom headed to the elevator, pressed 42nd floor. While inside the elevator, she's observing the details of the elevator. She saw the floor numbers and description of each level. Being as detailed as she was, she noticed that 42nd floor didn't have any description. That made her confused if she heard it correctly from the guard that said 42nd.

Crap! Was it 42nd or 32nd?? I'm pretty sure I heard it 42nd. But how come, it doesn't say anything here in the elevator? Dang Aom! This is your first day and you got distracted already? Pfft that Tina! I don't want to see her again, her carelessness and stupidity is contagious! Psch. What the heck. I passed 32nd already, might as well try 42nd.

When the elevator door opened, the receptionist behind the door greeted her with smile. And she smiled back of course. She had to project a friendly attitude and positive energy, first impression lasts indeed.

"Good morning, Miss. May I help you?" The pretty receptionist at the executive floor asked.

"Good morning. I am a new hire and today is my first day at work. I am here to report to the CEO." Aom nicely replied before she bowed as a courtesy.

"Are you Ms. Aom Manaying? The new executive assistant to the CEO?" The receptionist asked in return.

"Yes. I am." Aom politely replied and showed her new hire letter to the receptionist.

"Hi! My name is Fern. And I am one of the executive assistants here. We are expecting you to report today. Unfortunately, master CEO left a memo that he's out of the country but he has a replacement as the new CEO. You will be reporting to the new CEO effective on your start date. Please have a seat and I will call you when young master CEO is ready to see you." Fern explained before she left Aom in the reception area on that floor.


Meanwhile, as Aom was waiting, she couldn't help her eyes to lavishly roam around the lobby of the floor enjoying the paintings hanging on the wall.

Oh dear... I'm getting nervous now, I hope the young master CEO is a kind hearted and considerate boss. I hope... really do hope that we can work together as a team with cooperation and harmony in us. Yes! I'm gonna do that... that's not a biggie... cooperation and harmony!

She convinced herself as she crossed her fingers for wishing herself.

This is my dream job of working in this kind of company. I have to do this really really good... I mean seriously... better than my best. Fight Aom! She positively encouraged herself.


Fern went to the new CEO's office. The door was open so she knocked on the door frame then went inside, before she quickly bowed as respect. "Young master, the new hire is here. She will be reporting to you."

"What?? Dad said he'll assign you to me as my assistant since you've been here longer than I am? I don't want to go through training a new hire, that's a pain when I myself is in the process of learning too." Young master CEO was pissed, not at Fern but with master CEO's idea.

Geeshh Dad! You're gonna let the blind lead the blind. Is that part of the strategies of success you have in your mind?? I hate this idea!!! I don't need a new hire and who knows that person barely knows anything. Young master CEO was definitely not pleased with this sudden decision of master CEO.

"I'm sorry young master but master CEO changed his plan. To give you a little background, the new hire was highly picked from the poll of candidates based on her credibility and potentials. She passed all qualification exams and interviews. She was the top amongst all candidates. Master CEO has high confidence with the new hire and so he's assigning the person to you."

"Ugh! Fine. Please have the new hire come in. But call my dad and tell him that if the new hire is no good and couldn't stand me and my rules, I have no choice but to fire someone." Young master CEO scoffed.

If only young master could choose to have an executive assistant, it would be Fern or no one. But since young master was barely new in the position, definitely an executive assistant was essential for the position of the CEO. Young master couldn't do everything as the CEO such as negotiating with prospect investors, attending all significant events for the company's progress, managing the company's profit and compliance, ensuring the success of the corporation while meeting the goal of company, and several other things that were CEO's responsibilities. Not to mention the responsibilities of the executive assistant. Definitely both positions couldn't be handled by one person, the new CEO. So yeah. For sure young master didn't have a choice but to have an assistant.

"Yes, young master." Fern's voice trembled before she bowed and left quickly out of young master's office. She headed back to where she left Aom, in the reception area.

"Ms. Manaying, please follow me." Fern instructed her with a smile.

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